This Dapp (Distributed Application) was built using Truffle, TestRPC, and MetaMask for web3 injection.
This serves as cryptocurrency auction platform. Currently this smart contract is running on the Ropsten Test Net and can be used with MetaMask to create auctions, bid on auctions, and track existing auctions. To use the application on the Ropsten Test Net just visit 1UP.
This section outline setting up the project for local development.
Download ganache-cli'
npm install -g ganache-cli
Start ganache by running
ganache-cli -b 5
Install truffle
npm install -g truffle
Compile contracts
truffle compile
Migrate contracts
truffle migrate
Install the MetaMask Chrome plugin.
Login to MetaMask using mnemonic provided by ganache-cli.
Connect MetaMask to localhost:8545.
Open 1UP and try it out!