This library aim is to guess the legal form of a company given it's extended name. It can match common dictionary occurrences and acronyms.
Run script
To build the main image (php 7.4)
# docker command
docker build -f provisioning/php74-composer.Dockerfile -t multidialogo-php-legal-form-guesser-composer:latest .
# docker compose command
docker compose -f provisioning/docker-compose.yml build dev-container
To build the php 8.2 version image (note: it does not contain composer).
docker build -f provisioning/php82-cli.Dockerfile -t multidialogo-php-legal-form-guesser-php82:latest .
Keep in mind that the php82 version is intended to be used only to run unit tests, that's why composer is not included.
# docker command
docker run --rm --interactive --tty -v ${PWD}/:/app multidialogo-php-legal-form-guesser-composer:latest composer <rest of the composer command>
# docker compose command
docker compose -f provisioning/docker-compose.yml run --rm dev-container composer <rest of the composer command>
Run tests under php 7.4:
#docker command
docker run --rm --interactive --tty -v ${PWD}/:/app multidialogo-php-legal-form-guesser-composer:latest ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c .
#docker compose command
docker compose -f provisioning/docker-compose.yml run --rm dev-container ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c .
Run tests under php 8.2:
docker run --rm --interactive --tty -v ${PWD}/:/app multidialogo-php-legal-form-guesser-php82:latest ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c .
Project is following semantic versioning. Please use properly git tags before any release in master.
git tag -a v0.0.2 -m "Bugfix"
git push --follow-tags