TeamWorkProject - Demo
This is a basic system that will keep record of housing properties available on rent or for sale, and will work as connecting bridge between customer and agents. Due to this system there is no need to visit various places in search desired property. The information of various properties in various locations can be accessible at one place.
There are several features for better game experience:
- Main Menu Screen - Public
Sales - List of all Sales
Rentals - List of all Rentals
Post a New add - Add new propery - for sales or rents
Agents - List of all Agents
Contact - Information for Bug Squashers team
Login - Login form with validation
Register - Registration form with validation
Main Menu Screen - Private
Dashboard - profile - List with all the ads properties, as well as the ability to edit and delete. Google map view with locations for every property.
- Back-end (Server)
- Pug files
- Express
- MongoDB
- Passport Authentication
- Node.js Packages
- Front-end (Client)
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- SystemJs
- Custom jQuery plugins
Here are some useful links:
Доротея Николова - d.nikolova93
Найден Момински - Nayden_mominski
Десислав Аръшев - Desislav_A