A flask-based web application to view the highest starred python repositories here on GitHub!
This project uses the PyGitHub library to call the GitHub API to retrieve the most starred public Python projects and store them in a database table. This table contains the repository ID, name, URL, created date, last push date, description, and number of stars. Using the data in the table, a web application displays a list of the GitHub repositories and allows the user to click through pages to view details on each one.
Python >= 3.7
- Clone:
git clone https://github.com/Nayuken/Github-Web-Directory-Python
- In github_authentication.py provide your GitHub authentication token in the variable "token".
- Instructions on how to create an authentication token
pip install -r requirements.txt
- How to run the program:
flask --app GWDP.py run
- How to run the program in debug mode:
flask --app GWDP.py --debug run
- 0.2
- Small optimization changes and limit set on iterations of GitHub functional call
- 0.1
- Initial Release