Within this repository will be contained all of the code (described below) I used for the analysis in my "Life expectancy without a transplant of status 1A liver transplant candidates" (doi.org/10.1111/ajt.16830). To do the analysis, I assume the user of this code will have access to the following standard analysis files from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients:
cand_liin.dta, stathist_liin.dta, statjust_li1.dta
Generate_A_and_B_Files.py - Script that creates two data sets. An "A" file and a "B" file. These files are formatted in such a way to be used for Kaplan-Meier/IPCW survival analysis. See the file for additional details.
Generate_Master_File.py - Used by Generate_A_and_B_Files.py
Convert_Master_File_to_A_and_B_Files.py - Used by Generate_A_and_B_Files.py
RunStatus1ALifeExpectancyAnalysis.py - Script that runs all of the analysis, and creates all tables and figures, for this paper. See the file for additional details.
Status1ALifeExpectancyAnalysisFunctions.py - Script that contains all the functions for the aforementioned analysis. Used by RunStatus1ALifeExpectancyAnalysis.py
IPCW.py - Contains the class definition for the IPCW survival estimator. Used by RunStatus1ALifeExpectancyAnalysis.py
KaplanMeier.py - Contains the class definition for KaplanMeier survival estimator. Used by RunStatus1ALifeExpectancyAnalysis.py and IPCW.py
If you have any questions regarding the code, analysis, etc. please feel free to contact me at [email protected].