I have participated in the robotics team of the University of Alcalá UAHR Krakens with the aim of designing and developing the control screens for competition robots in the year 2023. I also founded the Yggdrasil Robotics team for the Eurobot Spain 2023-24 competition, a project that can be found on GitHub. 🤖
My main passion is programming, I have worked with languages such as Python, Java, C, C++, R, SQL and some of their derivatives such as PL/pgSQL in PostgreSQL, Java and Python being the ones I have the best command of. The programming paradigms I have used the most are procedural programming and OOP, although I have also worked with concurrent programming. I also have knowledge in web development, HTML, CSS, Markdown and basic knowledge of JavaScript. 🖥️
I have had the opportunity to learn to solder, wire and assemble simple hardware systems during my stay in the university team, in addition to developing some of my soft skills. I have faced the delivery of projects with deadlines for the team where I have had to maintain continuous communication for the satisfactory delivery of my work. 📊
I am an open, social and communicative person, I love teamworking, sharing, teaching my work and learning from others. 😁
🧪 I’m currently working on an open-source tool in Python related to the research that I'm conducting with a professor from my university.
💻 I have previously participated in Eurobot 2022/23 and Eurobot 2023/24.
📊 Between 2022/23 I positioned a transactional website reaching peaks of 120 monthly visits. Results of the project
📝 I regularly write articles on LinkedIn.