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Editorial WG: Ontology review process

Ramona Walls edited this page Sep 1, 2015 · 3 revisions

This page deals with policies and guidelines for the process of ontology review, particularly operational aspects such as:

  • which ontologies should be reviewed, and in what order?
  • how should reviewers be chosen?
  • what is the workflow for conducting a review?
  • how will conflicts be resolved?

##How to request an ontology review

  • Go to the OBO Foundry Operations Committee issue tracker.
  • Click on "New issue".
  • Type "Review request:Name of Ontology" in the subject header.

##Ontology review priority Ontologies will be reviewed in the order in which the review request is received.

Any ontology group wanting a review by the Editorial working group must submit a request on the issue tracker

##Ontology review workflow (under construction) ###Pre-review

  • Ontology contact person submits review request on issue tracker.
  • Asked to fill out self assessment
  • Preliminary review
  • The contact person is told that the review will

###Review process

###After review is complete

  • Reviewers share the final review document with the Editorial WG.
  • If the ontology passes review, the Editorial WG emails a copy to the Operations Committee, asking if there are any votes that dissent to admitting the ontology into the Foundry. Committee members have one week to respond.
  • At the same time, the review is sent to the ontology contact person, notifying them that they have passed review and we are awaiting final approval by the operations committee. The contact person is told that the review will be posted on our wiki and offered the opportunity to respond to the review.
  • If the Operations Committee does not approve the review, further discussion ensues.
  • If the Operations Committee approves the review, in one week, the Outreach WG sends an email to the ontology contact person informing them of the decision and posts the review on the Operations wiki. Response should be posted as soon as it is received.
  • Editorial WG follows up with ontology contact person about any caveats in the review, in the time specified in the review.

##Conflict resolution