OCamlPro is a French software company, with a strong expertise in programming languages & formal methods, and 10+ years' experience in state-of-the-art developments. Open-source is part of our DNA!
We have developed an expertise in several programming languages, and of course, we are always happy to learn new ones or even create them!
Here is a list of languages that we have used or developed tooling for:
OCaml: we develop most of our language code in OCaml, and participate in the development of an optimizing compiler for OCaml
Rust: our Red Iron Team develops our performance-critical code in Rust
COBOL: as part of our SuperBOL project, we modernize tooling for COBOL power users, and participate in the maintainance of GnuCOBOL
M-lang: we work on the development of a production ready version of M-lang
Coq: we use Coq to prove Cybersecurity guarrantees on code
WebAssembly (Wasm): we work on tooling to target Wasm from other languages and to perform bug finding on them by performing various Wasm static analysis such as symbolic execution
Solidity: we have developed tooling for several smart contract programming languages, among which Solidity, Liquidity, Michelson.
We also maintain an automatic theorem prover, called Alt-Ergo, and used to verify software by different platform such as TIS Analyzer, Spark or Frama-C.