In config/runtime.exs, Place a call to VaultElixir.vault() to call vault and load environment variables in the VaultElixir module.
In config/runtime.exs, use VaultElixir.ensure_vars_set([ LIST of ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES from Vault ]) to ensure that vault was configured for the application correctly.
Move config blocks from config/config.exs (or dev.exs or prod.exs) into config/runtime.exs, but change System.get_env() calls to VaultElixir.get_env(). This ensures that variables set by vault are found and if SKIP_VAULT=true is set that the environment variables from the .env file are found in local development mode.
The package can be installed by adding vault_elixir
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
NOTE: Rather than using 'branch:' below, use 'tag:' and pick the latest tagged version to prevent potential issues with interface changes. See 'mix help deps' for more information.
def deps do
{:vault_elixir, git: "", tag: "vN.N.N"}
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