-converted ulwgl-run to posix
-added flatpak test tarball
Instructions for installing flatpak via test tarball:
tar -xf ulwgl-flatpak-test.tar.gz
flatpak --user remote-add --no-gpg-verify ulwgl-repo ulwgl-repo
flatpak --user install ulwgl-repo org.openwinecomponents.ulwgl.launcher
Usage example:
flatpak run --env=GAMEID=ulwgl-roblox --env=WINEPREFIX=/home/tcrider/Games/roblox/ org.openwinecomponents.ulwgl.launcher winecfg
running a game:
flatpak run --env=GAMEID=ulwgl-roblox --env=WINEPREFIX=/home/tcrider/Games/roblox/ org.openwinecomponents.ulwgl.launcher /path/to/some/game.exe
For GAMEID check here if one exists for your game:
If the game runs with nothing needed then no fixes are required and you can use whatever you want for the GAMEID. The GAMEID is the ULWGL_ID used for applying protonfixes from our database.