Headstart 5
Version 5 incorporates features developed within two large collaboration projects: CRIS Vis and LinkedCat+. For more information on these projects, please visit our website. In addition, v5 includes many bugfixes and improvements that result in a better user experience.
Major changes include:
- Implementation of language-aware maps
- Enabling author-based maps
- A complete redesign of list entries, including the capability to add multiple sub-entries and images
- Enabling adding tags to bubble titles and list items, and an optional legend for these tags
- Consistent rotation of maps
- Better results for maps with only a few items
- Improved cluster naming
Version 5 also improves development, deployment, and maintenance of Headstart:
- A completely reworked event tracking system
- Split up of backend services
- Improved logging on backend
- Snapshot testing
- More specific errors when map creation fails
- Improved skin integration