Starter pack for using Capsule with common upload sources and storage solutions.
Supplement's only required dependency is Capsule itself. However, some of the implementations might require further dependencies. In order to use them, consult the dependencies
section for what to add to your project.
The Supplement ships with the following storage implementations:
This saves uploaded files to a local disk. It is useful for caching uploads while you validate other data, and/or perform some file processing.
- To set the root directory where files will be stored:
Application.put_env(:capsule, Capsule.Storages.Disk, root_dir: "tmp")
: This should be a valid system path that will be appended to the root. If it does not exist, Disk will create it.force
: If this option is set to a truthy value, Disk will overwrite any existing file at the derived path. Use with caution!
Since it is possible for files with the same name to be uploaded multiple times, Disk needs some additional info to uniquely identify the file. Disk does not overwrite files with the same name by default. To ensure an upload can be stored, the combination of the
and prefix
should be unique.
This storage uploads files to AWS's S3 service. It also works with Digital Ocean Spaces.
- To set the bucket where files will be stored:
Application.put_env(:capsule, Capsule.Storages.S3, bucket: "whatever")
- prefix: A string to prepend to the upload's key
- s3_options: Keyword list of option that will passed directly to ex_aws_s3
{:ex_aws, "~> 2.0"}
{:ex_aws_s3, "~> 2.0"}
Uses Elixir's StringIO module to store file contents in memory. Since the "files" are essentially just strings, they will not be persisted and will error if they are read back from a database, for example. However, operations are correspondingly very fast and thus suitable for tests or other temporary file operations.
Supplement implements the Capsule.Upload
protocol for the following modules:
This is useful for transferring files already hosted elsewhere, for example in cloud storage not controlled by your application, or a TUS server.
You can use it to allow users to post a url string in lieu of downloading and reuploading a file. A Phoenix controller action implementing this feature might look like this:
def attach(conn, %{"attachment" => %{"url" => url}}) when url != "" do
|> Disk.put(upload)
# ...redirect, etc
This implementation imposes a hard timeout limit of 15 seconds to download the file from the remote location.
This supports multi-part form submissions handled by Plug.