• Use multiple Scene classes (defined by your game's style) (5)
- can be seen in the src file
• Properly transition between Scenes and allow the player to restart w/out having to reload the page (5)
- this game can reload at anytime during the playscene by pressing "R"
• Communicate how to play w/ clear instructions (5)
- The instruction in provided in the title screen
• Have some form of player input/control appropriate to your game design (5)
- this game uses arrow keys to control the character
• Include an animated character(s) that use a texture atlas (5)
- the main character, the mouse is animated using texture atlas
• Simulate scrolling with a tileSprite or equivalent means (5) (Done)
- the floor is the tilesprite used for scrolling.
• Implement proper collision detection (via Arcade Physics or use your own) (10)
- This game uses Arcade Physics for detecting collision between mouse and cheese, and trap
• Have looping background music (5)
- There is looping background music during the play scene.
• Use sound effects for key mechanics, UI, and/or significant events appropriate to your game design (5)
- Certain sound fx will play when the mouse hit the food or obstacle
• Use randomness to generate challenge, e.g. terrain, pickups, etc. (10)
- The trap, cheese, bad cheese positions are randomly generated.
• Include some metric of accomplishment that a player can improve over time, e.g., score (5)
- There is a score board on the left up corner.
• Be theoretically endless (5)
- This game can be played for forever as long as player does not hit the mouse trap.
• Be playable for at least 15 seconds for a new player of low to moderate skill (5)
- All the thing's speed are moderately tunned for player