MofidBot is an automated system designed to streamline the process of buying and selling on the Mofid Online platform. With MofidBot, you can define custom prices in a .js
file for selling. Note that the selling functionality is untested, while the buying functionality has been tested and works as expected.
Enter the Code:
- To use MofidBot, paste the provided code into your browser’s console.
- If pasting doesn’t work, enable pasting by typing
allow pasting
into the console.
Setup Prices:
- Define custom buying and selling prices in the provided
- Define custom buying and selling prices in the provided
For Educational Use:
- MofidBot was created primarily for educational purposes and to demonstrate automation on websites.
Safety Warning:
- If you have any concerns about the code’s safety, feel free to review it thoroughly before running.
- Only execute code from trusted sources.