- Download Python
- Open your command line and keep it open
- Change directories to your Desktop
- Type: python3 -m venv your_project_name
- Type: source bin/activate
- Type: pip3 install scipy
- Open to the folder you have created
- Create a folder called Data
- Download the UniProt gene sequence database as a .fasta file
- Move the .fasta file to the Data folder you just created
- Return to your command line
- Type: python3 -m build_database
- Type: python3 -m test
- If all the expected and found results align, you are ready to use the module in your own Python code!
This project has two features:
- Ordering a list of amino sequences by p-value, from smallest positive to largest positive followed by negatives likewise
- Calculating, for one selected and another remaining set of windowed amino acid sequences centered and aligned on phosphorylation site, the p-value of the count of each amino acid at each position left or right of the site in the selected set.
The features are useable in a python script.
To use the first feature import windowed_ranked_sequences into your python file and call ranked_sequences.ranked_sequences(your/sequence/file/path) where your file is a tab-separated (.TSV) file
To use the second feature, import p_values into your python file and call p_values.sequence_p_values(selected_sequences, remaining_sequences) where the sequences are lists or tuples
To run the test, change directories to the file containing the code and type python3 -m test
p_values.hypergeometric_test(selected_sequences, remaining_sequences)
Assume the letters a, b, c, and d represent the counts as displayed below.
- a b
- c d
Then if a = 4, b = 6, c = 6, d = 4, The enrichment p-value should be 0.9105522960012121 The deficiency p-value should be 0.3281408993483296
If a = 15, b = 8, c = 20, d = 42 The enrichment p-value should be 0.006445865568610187 The deficiency p-value should be 0.9985899806396821
If a = 21, b = 20, c = 34, d = 13 The enrichment p-value should be 0.9883420938210076 The deficiency p-value should be 0.0341612031176084
sequence_search.windowed_sequence(sequence, site_number, window_width)
Gene: ADAM2 Accepted: F L L S G L G Found: F L L S G L G
Gene: MCU Accepted: L L L L S S R G G Found: L L L L S S R G G
Gene: RYR3 Accepted: L E Q S L S V R A L Q Found: L E Q S L S V R A L Q
Gene: TG Accepted: C Q N D G R S C W C V G A Found: C Q N D G R S C W C V G A
Gene: KCP Accepted: V R Q L E S C E C H P Found: V R Q L E S C E C H P
windowed_ranked_sequences.windowed_ranked_sequences(sequences, site_number, window_width)