Note that this repo is a WIP.
The first thing you will need to use this package is a Slack Workspace to install a Slack app into.
After that, you will need to add a webhook
to your app such that you can send and retrieve data from the Slack Workspace.
julia> ]
(v1.3) pkg> add Slack
Here is a simple example:
julia> using Slack
julia> endpoint = "/services/TQVJBU534/BR8C1LMPS/42thawJz34SWSgZCpniyLBSE"
julia> data = "Hello World"
"Hello World"
julia> response = sendtoslack(data, endpoint)
The result of running this code produces the following in the test Slack Workspace:
To learn more about how data should be formatted before sending it as a argument to the above code, check out the Slack API Docs.
You can also check your messages format using Slacks Message Formatting Tool.
And here is a more complicated example using attachments:
julia> using Slack
julia> endpoint = "/services/TQVJBU534/BR8C1LMPS/42thawJz34SWSgZCpniyLBSE"
julia> attachment = Dict("attachments" => [Dict("fallback" => "Required plain-text summary of the attachment",
"color" => "#36a64f",
"pretext" => "Optional text that appears above the attachment block",
"author_name" => "Bobby Tables",
"author_link" => "",
"author_icon" => "",
"title" => "Slack API Documentation",
"title_link" => "",
"text" => "Optional text that appears within the attachment",
"fields" => [Dict("title" => "Priority",
"value" => "High",
"short" => false
Dict{String,Array{Dict{String,Any},1}} with 1 entry:
"attachments" => Dict{String,Any}[Dict("author_link"=>""
julia> response = sendattachmenttoslack(attachment, endpoint)
The result of running this code produces the following in the test Slack Workspace:
I have gone through the trouble of setting up a Slack Workspace in order to test this package. After this is all stabilized, I will remove the endpoint from the Slack Workspace and deprecate the examples you see throughout this repo.
In the meantime, I cannot stop you from using the end point URL I have setup. Please use it responsibly.