supervised by: Prof. Dr. Maja Temerinac-Ott
cosupervised by: Prof. Jirka Dell´Oro-Friedl
submitted on: 31.08.2022
submitted by:
- Philipp Oeschger
- matriculation number: 268388
- Bregstraße 90
- 78120 Furtwangen im Schwarzwald
- [email protected]
The folder src contains the source code to this thesis
This repository contains the full source code of the thesis.
The repository is a fork of RLCard and, therefore, the src/rl_env folder contains external source code. The following files / folders in src/rl_env do contain self created code:
- src/rl_env/rlcard/games/cego
- src/rl_env/rlcard/envs/cego.py
- src/rl_env/rlcard/agents/human_agents/cego_human_agent.py
- src/rl_env/results
- src/rl_env/python_scripts
The API that makes the AI-models available.
- this is a seperate service that requires a seperate setup
- more details here
- rlcard/games/cego: The implementation of the game logic.
- rlcard/envs/cego.py: The environment class for the game.
- rlcard/agents/human_agents/cego_human_agent.py: An agent that serves as testing interface to play against AI models.
- results: contains various results, including
- python_scripts: script for training, hyperparameter search and evaluation.
- cego_random_search: random search scripts for dqn and nfsp.
- final_model_training: contains,
- evaluation of models
- analysis of the game environment
- scripts for final dmc, dqn, and nfsp training
- interactive_cego_testing: contains a test script for playing against a model in the command line
The following tools are needed to setup the environment:
- Python 3 (Python 3.9 was used)
- Virtualenv
cd src/rl_env
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
source venv/Scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -e .
python -m unittest discover