This is the source code to Luxestate Template From Graphberry. Making projects and templates help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Note: PSD file is available at design
directory, or you can use a direct download link.
To run the code and see the final HTML page, you must follow these steps:
Install all required dependencies using npm, write
npm install
in root directory with terminal. -
In the root directory type
in terminal to start the local server at port 9000. -
Open Your Browser and type
in the search bar, and that's it. enjoy!
- Design URL: Graphberry
- Source Code URL: Github
- Live Site URL: Github Pages
- Semantic HTML5 Markup
- Custom CSS3 Properties
- CSS3 Flexbox & Grid
- Vanilla Javascript + ES6
- Pug.js
- Gulp.js @4.0.2
- Font Awesome Library @6.2.0
- Normalize.css Library @8.0.1
- Animate.css Library
- WOW.js Library
- Tangerine Yellow: #ffcc03
- Nordic: #1f383d
- Gray: #f2f2f2
- Dark Gray: #666666
- Foghorn: #919eb1
- White: #ffffff
Family: Montserrat
Weights: 400, 500, 700
Family: Qwitcher Grypen
Weight: 400
&:last-child {
@media (min-width: 992px) {
grid-column-end: -1;
// Counters Start When Visible On Screen
const counters = document.querySelectorAll(".about .boxes-holder .box span");
const speed = 300;
window.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
if (window.scrollY >= document.querySelector(".about").offsetTop - 250) {
counters.forEach((counter) => {
const updateCount = () => {
const target = parseInt(+counter.dataset.count);
const count = parseInt(+counter.innerText);
const increment = Math.trunc(target / speed);
if (count < target) {
counter.innerText = count + increment;
setTimeout(updateCount, 10);
} else {
count.innerText = target;
// Formating Currency And Removing Decimals
function formatCurrency(value) {
return value
.toLocaleString("en-US", {
style: "currency",
currency: "USD",
.slice(0, -3);
// Agents Names
agentName.innerHTML = `${agent.gender === "male" ? "Mr" : "Mrs"}. ${}`;
Apartment JSON Model:
"img": "images/apartment-4.webp",
"address": "308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque",
"price": "4861",
"bed": "3",
"kitchen": "2",
"shower": "1"
Agent JSON Model:
"photo": "images/agent-4.webp",
"job": "Frontend Developer",
"name": "Sarah Jones",
"gender": "female",
"twitUser": "PhilopaterHany4",
"githubUser": "PhilopaterHany",
"linkedinUser": "philopater-hany"
- MDN: Fetch API
- Pug.js Documentation
- Sass Documentation
- Gulp.js Documentation
- npm Documenation
- Font Awesome Documentation
- Animate.css Documentation
- WOW.js Documentation
- Website - Portfolio Is Coming Out Soon!
- Twitter - @PhilopaterHany4
- Facebook - Philopater Hany
- Discord - #8178