Last updated: Aug 6, 2008 ~Keripo
All code/scripts written by Keripo are licensed under GNU GPL - see License.txt. For the licensing of the software/application, refer to the documents found in Misc/Docs.tar.gz or the license that comes with the original/ported software.
Overview: Frotz
- Frotz is a Z-Machine interpreter for playing Infocom games and other text-based adventure games
- ZeroSlackr uses both the ncurses and dumb targets. Sound support is added but not tested. For more information, see:
- Terminal launch games through "Media > Frotz > Games".
- If ncurses is installed, change launcher settings via "Media > Frotz > Launcher"; note that the ncurses version has screen clearing issues - this is a known problem with the terminal module.
- Make sure to read each game's Readmes for understanding their commands. Zork-like games use commands such as "north, pick up item, open chest", etc.
- For more games, see the Interactive Fiction Archive: or
- Authors: Stefan Jokisch et al.
- Source: Website
- Link:
- Date: Oct 28, 2002
- Version: 2.43
ZS Version:
- Modder: Keripo
- Type: Porter
- Date: Aug 6, 2008
- Version: B X.X
- uses ncurses or dumb build with terminal module
- added Zork I, II and III games from Infocom (
Launch Module:
- terminal launches Frotz/DFrotz with game file
- setting to choose to launch with either Frotz or DFrotz
To do:
- none
Changelog: [keep untouched till beta release]