TOAHI watchface for watchy
This watchface is primarily inspired by the UI and font designs of the fictional company "TOA Heavy Industries" created by Japanese manga artist Tsutomu Nihei.
- step count
- sunrise/sunset time
- moonphase
- solar azimuth/elevation angles
- To toggle between Dark Mode/Light Mode, push back button
- To toggle to sunrise/sunset time, push down button
- To toggle to azimut/elevation angle, push up button
- To calculate exact sunrise/sunset time and azimut/elevation angle, change
#define Latit_SET 31.00 #define Longit_SET 121.00 #define TimeZone_SET 8
, the three data represents latitude, longitude and timezone - To set the GMT offset for network timing, change
#define GMT_OFFSET_SEC 3600 * 8
The watch face features a significant number of Japanese Kanji characters, which may make it difficult to understand
- 零 0 壱 1 弐 2 参 3 肆 4 伍 5 陸 6 漆 7 捌 8 玖 9
- 西暦年号 Year
- つき Month
- 日付 Day
- 曜日 Week
- 日曜日 Sunday 月曜日 Monday 火曜日 Tuesday 水曜日 Wednesday 木曜日 Thursday 金曜日 Friday 土曜日 Saturday
- 電池残量 Battery Level
- 歩數統計 Step count
- 藍牙 Bluetooth
- 日出時刻 Sunrise time
- 日没時刻 Sunset time
- 方位角 Solar Azimut Angle
- 高度角 Solar elevation Angle
Utilized code from this repository to calculate lunar phases
Utilized code from this repository to calculate sunrise and sunset time
Utilized code from this repository to calculate solar azimut and elevation angles