This software requires Java 8.
Download and place the server jar in an empty directory. Now launch it using the java
java -jar yourJar.jar
- Checkout project
- You can use IDE or clone from console:
git clone
- You can use IDE or clone from console:
- Building
- Build with Linux:
bash gradlew launch4j
- Build with Windows:
gradlew.bat launch4j
- Build with Linux:
All builds will be in .\build\distributions\
is the server file that you should run
- Building
- Build with Linux:
bash gradlew reobfToSRG
- Build with Windows:
gradlew.bat reobfToSRG
- Build with Linux:
All builds will be in .\build\mohist_srg.jar
Is the development frontend you need
- Bukkit - plugin support.
- Paper - performance optimizations.
- CraftBukkit - plugin support.
- Spigot - plugin support.
- MinecraftForge - mod support.
- Atom - Partial code source.
- Thermos - Partial code source.
- um_bukkit - Partial code source.
- ReflectionRemapper - Provide a remapping framework.
YourKit, makers of the outstanding java profiler, support open source projects of all kinds with their full featured Java and .NET application profilers. We thank them for granting Mohist an OSS license so that we can make our software the best it can be.