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implement projectremoverand!
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Krastanov committed Aug 8, 2022
1 parent 1c3dde9 commit 8aabf5c
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Showing 8 changed files with 133 additions and 29 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# News

## v0.5.8 - dev

- Implement `projectremoverand!` which besides performing a projective measurement lik `projectrand!` also removed the measured qubit from the tableau, returning a smaller tableau. Not yet exported in public API.

## v0.5.7 - 2022-07-24

- **(fix)** `apply!(S"XXX", P"X", [1])` and similar sparse Pauli applies were giving wrong results.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "QuantumClifford"
uuid = "0525e862-1e90-11e9-3e4d-1b39d7109de1"
authors = ["Stefan Krastanov <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.5.7"
version = "0.5.8-dev"

Combinatorics = "861a8166-3701-5b0c-9a16-15d98fcdc6aa"
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/QuantumClifford.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module QuantumClifford
# TODO Significant performance improvements: many operations do not need phase=true if the Pauli operations commute

import LinearAlgebra
using LinearAlgebra: inv, mul!, rank
using DocStringExtensions
using Polyester
#using LoopVectorization
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27 changes: 0 additions & 27 deletions src/linalg.jl
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Expand Up @@ -151,30 +151,3 @@ function ⊗(ops::CliffordOperator...) # TODO implement \otimes for Destabilizer

"""Put source tableau in target tableau at given row and column. Assumes target location is zeroed out.""" # TODO implement a getindex setindex interface to this
@inline function puttableau!(target::Stabilizer{V1,M1}, source::Stabilizer{V2,M2}, row::Int, col::Int; phases::Bool=true) where {V1,V2,T<:Unsigned,M1<:AbstractMatrix{T},M2<:AbstractMatrix{T}}
xzs = target.xzs
ph = target.phases
sxzs = source.xzs
sph = source.phases
r,n = size(source)
bₗ = _div(T,col)+1
bᵣ = bₗ + 1
eₗ = bₗ + _div(T,n-1)
eᵣ = _div(T,col+n-1)+1
shiftₗ = _mod(T,col)
shiftᵣ = 8*sizeof(T)-shiftₗ
for i in 1:r
@inbounds @simd for j in 0:eₗ-bₗ
xzs[bₗ+j,row+i] |= sxzs[j+1,i] >>> -shiftₗ
xzs[end÷2+bₗ+j,row+i] |= sxzs[end÷2+j+1,i] >>> -shiftₗ
@inbounds @simd for j in 0:eᵣ-bᵣ
xzs[bᵣ+j,row+i] |= sxzs[j+1,i] >>> shiftᵣ
xzs[end÷2+bᵣ+j,row+i] |= sxzs[end÷2+j+1,i] >>> shiftᵣ
phases && (ph[row+1:row+r] .= sph)
target, row+r, col+n
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions src/project_trace_reset.jl
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Expand Up @@ -743,3 +743,116 @@ function expect(p::PauliOperator, s::AbstractStabilizer)
result === 0x02 && return -1
result === 0x03 && return -im

"""Put source tableau in target tableau at given row and column. Assumes target location is zeroed out.""" # TODO implement a getindex setindex interface to this
@inline function puttableau!(target::Stabilizer{V1,M1}, source::Stabilizer{V2,M2}, row::Int, col::Int; phases::Val{B}=Val(true)) where {B,V1,V2,T<:Unsigned,M1<:AbstractMatrix{T},M2<:AbstractMatrix{T}}
xzs = target.xzs
ph = target.phases
sxzs = source.xzs
sph = source.phases
r,n = size(source)
bₗ = _div(T,col) + 1
bᵣ = bₗ + 1
eₗ = bₗ + _div(T,n-1)
eᵣ = _div(T,col+n-1) + 1
shiftₗ = _mod(T,col)
shiftᵣ = 8*sizeof(T)-shiftₗ
for i in 1:r
@inbounds @simd for j in 0:eₗ-bₗ # TODO more simdification
xzs[bₗ+j,row+i] |= sxzs[j+1,i] >>> -shiftₗ
xzs[end÷2+bₗ+j,row+i] |= sxzs[end÷2+j+1,i] >>> -shiftₗ
@inbounds @simd for j in 0:eᵣ-bᵣ
xzs[bᵣ+j,row+i] |= sxzs[j+1,i] >>> shiftᵣ
xzs[end÷2+bᵣ+j,row+i] |= sxzs[end÷2+j+1,i] >>> shiftᵣ
B && (ph[row+1:row+r] .= sph)
target, row+r, col+n

"""Unexported low-level function that removes a column (by shifting all columns to the right of the target by one step to the left)
Because Stabilizer is not mutable we return a new Stabilizer with the same (modified) xzs array."""
function remove_column!(s::Stabilizer{V,M}, col::Int) where {V,T<:Unsigned,M<:AbstractMatrix{T}}
xzs = s.xzs
big = _div(T,col-1) + 1
nbig = size(s.xzs,1)÷2
shiftᵣ = 8*sizeof(T)-1
zero_span = ~zero(T) << _mod(T,col-1)
zero_first = ~zero(T) >> 1
for i in 1:rows # TODO more simdification
xzs[big,i] = (xzs[big,i] & ~zero_span) | ( zero_span & (xzs[big,i] >>> 1))
xzs[end÷2+big,i] = (xzs[end÷2+big,i] & ~zero_span) | ( zero_span & (xzs[end÷2+big,i] >>> 1))
for j in big+1:nbig
xzs[j-1,i] = (xzs[j-1,i] & zero_first) | (xzs[j,i] << shiftᵣ)
xzs[end÷2+j-1,i] = (xzs[end÷2+j-1,i] & zero_first) | (xzs[end÷2+j,i] << shiftᵣ)
xzs[j,i] = xzs[j,i] >> 1
xzs[end÷2+j,i] = xzs[end÷2+j,i] >> 1
Stabilizer(s.phases, nqubits(s)-1, s.xzs)

"""Unexported low-level function that moves row i to row j.
Used on its own, this function will break invariants. Meant to be used in `_remove_rowcol!`.
@inline function _rowmove!(s::Stabilizer, i, j; phases::Val{B}=Val(true)) where B
(i == j) && return
B && begin s.phases[j] = s.phases[i] end
@inbounds @simd for k in 1:size(s.xzs,1)
s.xzs[k,j] = s.xzs[k,i]

"""Unexported low-level function that removes a row (by shifting all rows up as necessary)
Because MixedDestabilizer is not mutable we return a new MixedDestabilizer with the same (modified) xzs array.
Used on its own, this function will break invariants. Meant to be used with `projectremove!`.
function _remove_rowcol!(s::MixedDestabilizer, r,c)
t = tab(s)
rows, cols = size(t)
t = remove_column!(t,c) # TODO col and row removal should be done in the same loop, not two separate loops
for i in r+1:cols+r-1
_rowmove!(t, i, i-1)
for i in cols+r+1:rows
_rowmove!(t, i, i-2)
oldrank = rank(s)
newrank = r<=oldrank ? oldrank-1 : oldrank
MixedDestabilizer(Stabilizer((@view t.phases[1:end-2]),cols-1,(@view t.xzs[:,1:end-2])), newrank)

"""Unexported low-level function that projects a qubit and returns the result while making the tableau smaller by a qubit.
Because MixedDestabilizer is not mutable we return a new MixedDestabilizer with the same (modified) xzs array.
function projectremove!(s::MixedDestabilizer, projfunc::F, qubit) where {F<:Union{typeof(projectX!),typeof(projectY!),typeof(projectZ!)}}
error("can not be implemented in the style of project!, because one can not change `res` after the row has been removed")

"""Unexported low-level function that projects a qubit and returns the result while making the tableau smaller by a qubit.
Because MixedDestabilizer is not mutable we return a new MixedDestabilizer with the same (modified) xzs array.
function projectremoverand!(s::MixedDestabilizer, projfunc::F, qubit) where {F<:Union{typeof(projectX!),typeof(projectY!),typeof(projectZ!)}}
_, anticom, res = projfunc(s, qubit)
if anticom!=0
res = rand((0x0,0x2))
stabilizerview(s).phases[anticom] = res
r = rank(s)
traceout!(s,[qubit]) # TODO this can be optimized thanks to the information already known from projfunc
s = _remove_rowcol!(s, r, qubit)
s, res

function traceoutremove!(s::MixedDestabilizer, qubit)
traceout!(s,[qubit]) # TODO this can be optimized thanks to the information already known from projfunc
s = _remove_rowcol!(s, nqubits(s), qubit)
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/randoms.jl
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@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
using LinearAlgebra: inv, mul!
using Random: randperm, AbstractRNG, GLOBAL_RNG
using ILog2
import Nemo
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/test_jet.jl
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ function test_jet()
@show rep
@test length(JET.get_reports(rep)) == 3
#= TODO These false positives appear. Figure out how to filter them out.
┌ @ /home/stefan/Documents/ScratchSpace/clifford/QuantumClifford/src/linalg.jl:72 LinearAlgebra.rank(::QuantumClifford.Stabilizer)
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions test/test_stabs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,19 @@ function test_stabs()
mds = MixedStabilizer(s)
@test length(mds) == length(ms) == 10
@test length(s) == 9
for n in test_sizes
s = random_stabilizer(n)
r1 = rand(1:n)
ri1 = deleteat!(collect(1:n),r1)
s1a = QuantumClifford.remove_column!(copy(s),r1)
s1b = copy(s)[:,ri1]
r2 = min(n,rand([63,64,65]))
ri2 = deleteat!(collect(1:n),r2)
s2a = QuantumClifford.remove_column!(copy(s),r2)
s2b = copy(s)[:,ri2]
@test stab_to_gf2(s1a) == stab_to_gf2(s1b)
@test stab_to_gf2(s2a) == stab_to_gf2(s2b)

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