This repository hosts a number of different projects related to minimizers.
- In src/, reference implementations for the schemes presented in the mod-minimizer
paper with Giulio Ermanno Pibiri.
- See also this blogpost.
- These are also used for the lower bound paper with Bryce Kille:
- Python bindings available in src/
- Ongoing research on new sampling schemes.
- Plots and experiments are in py/.
The SIMD-based random-minimizers implementation corresponding to this post has moved to
- Random minimizers.
- two versions of asymptotically optimal Rotational minimizers (Marçais et al., 2018) .
- Miniception, and a small slightly improved variant of it.
- Decycling and double decycling based minimizers (Pellow et al., 2023).
- Bidirectional anchors (Loukides et al., 2023)
- Mod-sampling, with lr-minimizers and mod-minimizers (our work).