To start your Phoenix server for local development:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
To start your Dockerized Phoenix server and Deploy:
- Start Docker Container with
docker compose -f build && docker compose -f up
- To deploy with Travis CI push your changes to [email protected]:RamyFerhat59/timemanager.git
Now you can visit
from your browser locally, When deployed visit [aws load balancer dns name
Http Methods | Routes | Description | Parameters | Body example |
GET | /api/users | Get all users or get one user by username and email | username (optional), email (optional) | - |
GET | /api/users/:id | Get user by id | - | - |
POST | /api/users | Create user | - | { "user": { "username": "Thomas", "email": "[email protected]" } } |
PUT | /api/users/:id | Update user by id | - | { "user": { "username": "greg", "email": "[email protected]" } } |
DELETE | /api/users/:id | Delete user by id | - | - |
Http Methods | Routes | Description | Parameters | Body example |
GET | /api/clocks/:userId | Get the user's clock by its id | - | - |
POST | /api/clocks/:userId | Post clock or update time and status of the clock. If status is update to false, it creates a working time | - | - |
Http Methods | Routes | Description | Parameters | Body example |
GET | /api/workingtimes/:userId | Get user's workingtimes between 2 datetimes | start, end | - |
GET | /api/workingtimes/:userId/:id | Get workingtime by id and user id | - | - |
POST | /api/workingtimes/:userId | create a workingtime for a user | - | { "workingtime": { "start": "2021-10-26T00:00:00", "end": "2021-10-26T23:00:00" } } |
PUT | /api/workingtimes/:id | update workingtime by id | - | { "workingtime": { "start": "2021-10-26T08:03:07" } } |
DELETE | /api/workingtimes/:id | delete workingtime by id | - | - |
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