This small software converts a text string to a QR code and generates the corresponding gerber file for inclusion on a PCB.
For generating a QR code containing
of size 10.0 mm x 10.0 mm, and saving the result to /tmp/qr2gerber.test
java -cp qr2gerber-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar "" 10.0 /tmp/qr2gerber.test
The resulting QR code as seen by gerbv (an open source gerber viewer):
Detail of a real board featuring a QR code generated using qr2gerber:
There is also a ugly GUI (
git clone
cd qr2gerber/
mvn package
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args='"" 10.0 /tmp/qr2gerber.test'
- Get eclipse (for java)
- Add the m2e plugin (Maven integration)
- clone this repository.