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Rahul Ranjan edited this page Jul 15, 2014 · 4 revisions

runOnce(successCallback, failureCallback)

  • successCallback The callback which will be called if the method is successful. The callback is passed the [Returned JSON] (Returned-JSON).
  • failureCallback The callback which will be called if the method encounters an error. The callback is passed the [Returned JSON] (Returned-JSON).

Method allows the background service logic ([doWork] (doWork)) to be run once from the HTML/ Javascript front-end. This method is provided to allow the background service logic to be run outside of the standard timer logic. Note that there is also a [Java runOnce] (runOnce-Java) which also provides the same functionality, but from within Java.

Also see

  • [Returned JSON] (Returned-JSON)
  • [Java runOnce] (runOnce-Java)
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