Real time streaming twitter sentiment analysis application built using Twitter | Spark Streaming | Redis | Java Swing
Sentiment Analysis is the process of determining whether a piece of writing is positive, negative or neutral. It's also known as opinion mining, deriving the opinion or attitude of a speaker. knowing this, companies and brands can leverage the information to alter their communication strategy or to recognize events that may need to be addressed before it becomes a full-blown crisis. On the other hand, companies can, in various ways, capitalize on things that seem to be creating more positive buzz within their target audience.
Sentiment Analysis answers to questions like below:
How do your customers feel about your brand?
What is the opinion about your brand against your competitors?
What are the latest trends related to your brand?
Need more information about sentiment click below URL
• The goal is to analyse and visualize sentiment of tweets in real-time on given trending topics while running the application.
• The project was developed using Twitter 4j, Spark Streaming(Scala), Redis, Java Swing
• Application streams data from twitter using Spark Streaming and then sends them to another layer which uses spark MLlib (machine learning module) and does classification machine learning module making use of broker redis to communicate with the dashboard (Java Swing application).
• Application acts like a pipeline for sentiment and emotion analysis of real time tweets of trending topics and also having a extra capability of view the results of the sentiment analysis in a dashboard.
Area | Technology |
Front-End | Java swing |
Cluster Computing Framework | Apache Spark Streaming using Scala (extension of the core Spark API) |
Machine learning | MLlib library (Apache Spark's scalable machine learning library) |
In-Memory Caching / Datastore | Redis |
Other APIs Used | Twitter streaming using Twitter 4j api |
Sentiment Analysis can be applied to variety of Use cases:
Predict the success of a political/social campaign
Decide whether to invest in a certain company
Targeted advertizing
Product and service review
Research in sociology and psychology
Discover how people feel about a particular topic
Installation of Cloudera quickstart VM
Redis Data Store
Jar file stanford-corenlp-3.5.2-models.jar
After downloading jar file place it in spark-twitter-sentiment-analysis
Later Configuring Scala Runtime to Cloudera QuickStart VM
Watch the below video for more information
Similarly add redis to the path as well
start the redis server
start the redis client
subscribe to channel tweet_results
SUBSCRIBE tweet_results
Navigate to the folder twitterstream-sent-app
clean the package
sbt clean package
submit spark job
spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-twitter_2.10:1.6.0,edu.stanford.nlp:stanford-corenlp:3.5.2,redis.clients:jedis:2.9.0 --jars ../stanford-corenlp-3.5.2-models.jar --class Main target/scala-2.10/twitter-streaming-and-sentiment-analysis-app_2.10-1.0.jar trending topic name
trending topic name can be any example cnn
Now in the redis client screen you can see streaming sentiments in real time (please refer to Screen shots)
clean and build the dash board application
import the project(twitter-analysis-dashboard) into netbeans or eclipse
then clean and build the application
Finally execute the below command to view the dashboard by navigating to folder witter-analysis-dashboard
java -jar target/twitter-analysis-dashboard-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Redis messages recieved from Mllib layer
Negative sentiments in dashboard
Neutral and Negative sentiments but not positive
Postive sentiments
After some time
we will persist the streamed data in data store from SparkStreaming
Build the classifer models by using the persisted data in data store
Now persist the model and look up the model when ml lib spark library starts up
spark streaming will use that loaded model to classify live streams
now positive negative and neutral sentiments are send to the message broker redis
Finally Java swing application will be consuming that messages from redis and modify the dashboard real time.