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Releases: RevoltSecurities/Dnsbruter


17 Dec 12:45
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Dnsbruter - Asynchronous DNS Bruteforcing Tool


Dnsbruter is a lightweight, fast, and smooth asynchronous DNS brute-forcing and fuzzing tool designed for penetration testers, ethical hackers, and anyone conducting active attack surface reconnaissance. This tool helps you discover subdomains and identify vulnerabilities in it.

GitHub last commit GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub license LinkedIn

V1.0.6 Features:

  • Improved Speed & Efficiency: Significantly faster and smoother DNS brute-forcing with lightweight resource usage.
  • Memory & Resource Management: Optimized to handle large-scale DNS scans without consuming excessive system resources.
  • Flexible Input: Supports both stdin and file-based domain lists for DNS brute-forcing.
  • Concurrency Control: Rate limiting and concurrency management to ensure stable performance under heavy loads.
  • JSON Output: Option to save scan results in a structured JSON format for easy integration with other tools.


Dnsbruter can be installed quickly using various methods, including pip, pipx, and Docker. Choose the method that best suits your environment.

pip Installation

Ensure you have pip installed with the latest version of Python:

pip install --break-system-packages git+

pipx Installation

For isolated Python environments, you can use pipx:

pipx install git+

Docker Installation

For Docker-based environments, build the Docker image using:

git clone && cd Dnsbruter
sudo docker build -t dnsbruter .

Docker Usage:

sudo docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/wordlist.txt:/opt/wordlist.txt -v $(pwd):/output dnsbruter -d -w /opt/wordlist.txt --output /output/test.txt


To use Dnsbruter, execute the following command to display help options:

dnsbruter -h

This will show you the following available options:

dnsbruter -h
       __                    __                     __               
  ____/ /   ____    _____   / /_    _____  __  __  / /_  ___    _____
 / __  /   / __ \  / ___/  / __ \  / ___/ / / / / / __/ / _ \  / ___/
/ /_/ /   / / / / (__  )  / /_/ / / /    / /_/ / / /_  /  __/ / /    
\__,_/   /_/ /_/ /____/  /_.___/ /_/     \__,_/  \__/  \___/ /_/     

                    - RevoltSecurities

[DESCRIPTION]: dnsbruter is a powerfull tool for asynchronous dns brutforcing and fuzzing with wildcard detection


    dnsbruter [options]

            -d,     --domain               string   : domain name for resolving subdomains.
            -dL,    --domain-list          string   : text file contains domain name for dns bruteforcing.
            -w,     --wordlist             string   : wordlist path for dnsbruter.
            -rl,    --resolver             string   : filename contains list of resolvers (default: system config).
            -v,     --versbose             command  : increase the verbosity of output.
            -wd,    --wildcard-detect      command  : enable to detect wildcards for found domains.
            -ov,    --override             command  : enable to skip the domain verification and this is not applies to when used BRUT in domain.
            -c,     --concurrency            int    : number of concurrency value for dns bruteforcing.             
            -wt,    --wildcard-threds        int    : number of threads values for wildcard detections.
            -rt,    --rate-limit             int    : number of rate limits of DNS queries per second (default: 2000).
            -wrt,   --wildcard-ratelimit     int    : number of rate limits for wild card detection (default: 2000).
            -dl,    --delay                  int    : specify a delay seconds between concurrent DNS quries (default: 1).
            -up,    --updates              command  : updates the Dnsbruter for latest version (required: pip to be installed). 
            -dc,    --disable-check        command  : disable updates check for dnsbruter.
            -o,     --output               string   : filename to save the scans outputs. 
            -ws,    --wildcard-output      string   : filename to save the found wildcard domains.
            -j,     --json                 command  : enables to display and save output in json format.
            -h,     --help                 command  : shows this help message and exits.
            -s,     --silent               command  : only shows essetial outputs and avoid other info.


15 Dec 12:53
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Dnsbruter - Asynchronous DNS Bruteforcing Tool

Dnsbruter is a lightweight, fast, and smooth asynchronous DNS brute-forcing and fuzzing tool designed for penetration testers, ethical hackers, and anyone conducting active attack surface reconnaissance. This tool helps you discover subdomains and identify vulnerabilities in it.

GitHub last commit GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub license LinkedIn

V1.0.5 Features:

  • Improved Speed & Efficiency: Significantly faster and smoother DNS brute-forcing with lightweight resource usage.
  • Memory & Resource Management: Optimized to handle large-scale DNS scans without consuming excessive system resources.
  • Flexible Input: Supports both stdin and file-based domain lists for DNS brute-forcing.
  • Concurrency Control: Rate limiting and concurrency management to ensure stable performance under heavy loads.
  • JSON Output: Option to save scan results in a structured JSON format for easy integration with other tools.


Dnsbruter can be installed quickly using various methods, including pip, pipx, and Docker. Choose the method that best suits your environment.

pip Installation

Ensure you have pip installed with the latest version of Python:

pip install --break-system-packages git+

pipx Installation

For isolated Python environments, you can use pipx:

pipx install git+

Docker Installation

For Docker-based environments, build the Docker image using:

git clone && cd Dnsbruter
sudo docker build -t dnsbruter .

Docker Usage:

sudo docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/wordlist.txt:/opt/wordlist.txt -v $(pwd):/output dnsbruter -d -w /opt/wordlist.txt --output /output/test.txt


12 May 15:34
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Dnsbruter - Asynchronous Dns Bruteforcing Tool

Dnsbruter an Asynchronous Dns bruteforcing and Fuzzing Tool for Penetration Testers and Ethical hackers.
it used to bruteforce and fuzz for domain names in any position of input using BRUT word in it.

GitHub last commit GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub license LinkedIn


  • Asynchronous and concurrent dns bruteforcing.
  • Supports both dns brutforcing and fuzzing.
  • Manages high level threads.
  • Manages high loads wordlist.
  • Enhanced asynchronous performance better than before.
  • Wildcard detection for found domain.


08 Feb 11:19
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Dnsbruter - Asynchronous Dns Bruteforcing Tool

V1.0.3 features:

  • Asynchronous and concurrent bruteforcing
  • Manages high level threads and wordlists
  • Improved performance and usages in commands of dnsbruter
  • User desired console for outputs
  • Resolved issues in updating dnsbruter


Method 1:

pip install git+
dnsbruter -h

Method 2:

git clone
cd Dnsbruter
pip install .
dnsbruter -h


08 Feb 11:10
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Dnsbruter - Asynchronous Dns Bruteforcing Tool

V1.0.2 features:

  • Asynchronous and concurrent bruteforcing
  • Manages high level threads and wordlists
  • Improved performance and usages in commands of dnsbruter
  • User desired console for outputs


Method 1:

pip install git+
dnsbruter -h

Method 2:

git clone
cd Dnsbruter
pip install .
dnsbruter -h


01 Oct 19:18
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Dnsbruter - Subdomain Bruteforcing Tool

Dnsbruter is a command-line tool written in Python that allows users to perform active subdomain enumeration through brute-forcing. The tool uses multi-threading to speed up the process and supports verbose mode for displaying found subdomains and invalid subdomains.

Release v1.0.1

New Features:

  • Multi-threading: The tool now supports multi-threading for faster subdomain enumeration. Users can define the number of threads with the -t flag

  • Concurreny: The Dnsbruter now also support concurrency for multiple process of multi Threading and concurrency can be defined with the -C flag

  • Verbose Mode: The -v flag enables verbose mode, which displays found subdomains on the console during the enumeration process.

  • Concise Mode: The -cn flag enables the display of invalid or not found subdomains on the console.

  • Output File: Users can specify the filename to save the output results using the -o flag. If not provided, results will be saved in a file named {target_domain}_results.txt. and also save thTo install Dnsbruter and its required dependencies, follow the instructions in the Installation section of the README.
    e output in directory with the same flag by just giving output directory path


Installation with pip:

pip install dnsbruter

dnsbruter -h

Installation with git:

git clone

cd Dnsbruter

pip install .

dnsbruter -h


dnsbruter -h                                                                                      
usage: dnsbruter [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-w WORDLIST] [-o OUTPUT] [-v] [-cn] [-t THREADS] [-C CONCURRENCY]

[INFO]: Discover hidden subdomains effortlessly with Dnsbruter

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        [INFO]: Target name to find hidden subdomains
  -w WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST
                        [INFO]: Wordlist that contains a list of subdomains for bruteforcing
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        [INFO]: Filename to save the output
  -v, --verbose         [INFO]: Verbose mode will print the valid subdomains that found
  -cn, --concise        [INFO]: Concise mode will print the invalid subdomains that found
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        [INFO]: Thread level for Multiple Threads
                        [INFO]: Concurrency level for Concurrency Process


Dnsbruter is intended for legal and ethical use only. Unauthorized access to systems and services is strictly prohibited. The developer is not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool. Use it responsibly and with the necessary permissions.

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

  • Improved error handling for DNS resolution to prevent crashes during the enumeration process.

  • Enhanced output formatting for better readability.

  • Fixed minor issues related to input validation and argument parsing.

  • Improved concurrency and Threading process

  • Ability to stop when overheat or overload detects it stops for your machine safety purpose

Known Issues:

  • In some cases, the tool may encounter false positives due to DNS caching. It is recommended to verify the results manually.


For more information, please visit the Dnsbruter GitHub repository. and show ur love ❤️ and give some ⭐ for Dnsbruter

Please report any issues or feedback on the GitHub Issues page.

We hope you find Dnsbruter helpful in your subdomain enumeration tasks. Happy brute-forcing!


06 Aug 06:45
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Dnsbruter - Subdomain Bruteforcing Tool

Dnsbruter is a command-line tool written in Python that allows users to perform active subdomain enumeration through brute-forcing. The tool uses multi-threading to speed up the process and supports verbose mode for displaying found subdomains and invalid subdomains.

Release v1.0.0

New Features:

  • Multi-threading: The tool now supports multi-threading for faster subdomain enumeration. Users can define the number of threads with the -t flag.

  • Verbose Mode: The -v flag enables verbose mode, which displays found subdomains on the console during the enumeration process.

  • Invalid Mode: The -i flag enables the display of invalid or not found subdomains on the console.

  • Output File: Users can specify the filename to save the output results using the -o flag. If not provided, results will be saved in a file named {target_domain}_results.txt.


To install Dnsbruter and its required dependencies, follow the instructions in the Installation section of the README.


To use Dnsbruter for subdomain enumeration, refer to the Usage section in the README.


Dnsbruter is intended for legal and ethical use only. Unauthorized access to systems and services is strictly prohibited. The developer is not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool. Use it responsibly and with the necessary permissions.

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

  • Improved error handling for DNS resolution to prevent crashes during the enumeration process.

  • Enhanced output formatting for better readability.

  • Fixed minor issues related to input validation and argument parsing.

Known Issues:

  • In some cases, the tool may encounter false positives due to DNS caching. It is recommended to verify the results manually.


Special thanks to all the contributors who helped improve and test Dnsbruter.

For more information, please visit the Dnsbruter GitHub repository.

Please report any issues or feedback on the GitHub Issues page.

We hope you find Dnsbruter helpful in your subdomain enumeration tasks. Happy brute-forcing!