Welcome to my GitHub profile! Here you'll find some of my personal projects and contributions.
- 🌱 I’m currently (mainly) working with NodeJS and React
- 👯 I’m open to collaborating on anything that excites me!
- 🎶 I love making music in my free time
These are a few of my favorite and recent projects:
- mpegh-decoder: An NPM package for decoding MPEG-H 3D audio into WAV on Node.js!
- Gympass-like API: REST API for a gympass-like application using Typescript + Prisma and applying SOLID principles.
- PROs-scrapper: Web scrapper for Performance Rights Organizations such as ASCAP using Node.js and Puppeteer.
- Livechat: A simple livechat system built with React and Node.js, useful for learning about websockets with socket.io.