Software (scripts) for Home Assistant in Docker.
I have used a Raspberry Pi 4B with the operating system Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit). I have used an installation via the Raspberry Pi Imager.
There is the installation of Docker Compose. I use Home Assistant in Container (Docker Compose).
- In a folder HomeAssistant is configuration for Home Assistant. It is necessary to copy content to a folder with the configuration Home Assistant.
- In a folder AppDaemon is configuration for AppDaemon. I use AppDaemon in a container (Docker Compose). It is necessary to copy content to a folder with the configuration AppDaemon.
- In a folder mosquitto is configuration for Mosquitto broker. I use Mosquitto in a container (Docker Compose). It is necessary to copy content to a folder with configuration Mosquitto.
It is necessary generate toke for AppDaemon (appdaemon.yaml) and insert into part "token" and change url/IP address and the same token and url/IP address insert into Docker compose settings for AppDaemon. The token for bash script ( and insert into part "token" and insert the same token into bash script ( These tokens are possible generate in GUI in the Home Assistant.
- In AppDaemon/apps/ is necessary change ID sensors according to your IDs.
- In AppDaemon/apps/ and AppDaemon/apps/ is necessary change address boards according to your address.
- In AppDaemon/apps/ is necessary change address boards according to your address.
Settings for all containers are in a folder docker_settings.
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