go-icls is a small and simple library for creating cli applications.
go-icls provides a simple parser and command structure for executing single commands.
go-icls provides an interactive command line interface that takes user input as commands and parses it.
go-icls provides the functionality to create a configuration structure by reading single *.properties files or by reading entire folder containing multiple *.properties files.
go-icls uses a simple structure for building the command tree. CLI, Command and Flag provide the necessary functionality.
CLI is the parent of everything. Contains a map of command names and a Command structure.
Any command contains several key elements.
app get -d dir -f file
In the previous example the app is the application name, the get is the command, and -d/-f are the flag keys followed by their respective values.
Command is the pivot point of any cli application. It keeps a name, an alias, a description, an array of flag, and more importantly a handler.
Flag is a way of providing specific functionality on a broader command. It can be a key-value pair or a single key. It must begin with either '-' or '--".
Handler is a function that must be passed into the command.
func(flags map[string]string) error
The command then executes this function when called.
The following example creates a cli with two commands get and put. Each command has a single flag.
Systemically there is the help command that can be used to print a helpful text on the terminal.
package main
import (
func main() {
// create a new cli
c := cli.New()
// add 'get' command to cli
get := c.New("get", "get gets", "get gets", func(flags map[string]string) error {
fmt.Println("This is the get command")
return nil
// add 'get' command flags
get.StringFlag("d", "", "", "directory name", false)
get.StringFlag("t", "tetetetetetetet", "", "directory name", true)
// add 'put' command to cli
put := c.New("puttertesttest", "putter puts", "putter puts", func(flags map[string]string) error {
i, err := c.IntValue("g", "puttertesttest", flags)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("This is the putter command: %d\n", i)
return nil
// add 'put' command flags
put.StringFlag("f", "file", "", "filename to put", true)
put.IntFlag("g", "int", 1, "int to put", false)
// empty command with flags only
base := c.New("", "empty name", "empty name", func(flags map[string]string) error {
b, _ := c.BoolValue("v", "", flags)
if b {
fmt.Println("this is verbose")
return nil
base.BoolFlag("v", "verbose", "add prints", false)
When executing the program:
$ go-icls
> -h
go-icls.exe <command> [options]
-v --verbose
add prints
get get gets
puttertesttest putter puts
Use "go-icls.exe <command> -h" for more information about a command.
> get -h
usage: get [get flags]
get gets
directory name
-h --help
prints out information about the command
-t --tetetetetetetet
directory name (required: true)
> get -d test
This is the get command
> quit
In order to include go-icls functionality into an application, import:
import "github.com/RomanosTrechlis/go-icls/cli"
Use the quit command to exit the interactive interface.
- Add help command for printing the command tree.
- Separate short and long command descriptions. Short must appear in general command tree help.
- Change the signature of the handler function. Remove the command param since it is known to the user beforehand.
- Validate for required flags.
- Enable default values.
- Add more tests.
- Add var name on printed help after non bool flag.