Welcome to the JavaScript Task Repository! This collection is designed for anyone looking to improve their JavaScript skills, from beginners to advanced learners.
This repository includes a comprehensive series of JavaScript tasks, starting from the basics and gradually moving to more advanced topics. Each task is aimed at helping you understand and apply JavaScript concepts in real-world scenarios.
The tasks are organized in a structured manner to cover the following areas:
Basic JavaScript Concepts
- Variables, Data Types, and Operators
- Control Flow (Conditionals, Loops)
- Functions and Scopes
Intermediate JavaScript
- Arrays and Objects
- DOM Manipulation
- Events Handling
- ES6+ Features (Arrow Functions, Promises, etc.)
Advanced JavaScript
- Asynchronous JavaScript (Promises, Async/Await)
- Closures and Higher-Order Functions
- Modules and Import/Export
- Error Handling and Debugging
Bonus Challenges
- Algorithm and Problem-Solving Exercises
- Project-based Mini Applications
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Saad123ali/JavaScript-TASK.git