Releases: SahaginOrg/sahagin-java
Releases · SahaginOrg/sahagin-java
Improvement (which may break backward compatibility)
- Change dependent libraries version (selenium-java 3.5.3, fluentlenium 3.3.0), thanks to @hiroshitoda.
- This version of selenium-java and fluentlenium can break backward compatibility, and you may need to modify your test script.
- Update required Java version to 1.8, since now selenium-java requires Java 1.8 or latest.
- [Jenkins plugin] Keep the Sahagin report data under Jenkins workspace after the test run. (#19)
- Change dependent libraries version. (selenium-java 2.53.1, fluentlenium 0.13.1)
- Support generating single HTML report from multiple intermediate data. This feature is useful for multi-project build of Maven, Gradle, etc. This problem was reported in the Japanese issue SahaginOrg/japanese-forum#3.
- Test execution time information is displayed in HTML report, thanks to @nkns165.
- Test method total execution time is shown on the report top.
- Each line execution time is shown on the table rightmost column when clicking "show code" button.
- Update required Java version to 1.7, since now selenium-java requires Java 1.7 or latest.
- Change dependent libraries version. (selenium-java 2.53.0, fluentlenium 0.11.0)
- Encode unicode character HTML report name to avoid possible file name character corruption problem. This problem
was reported in the Japanese article - Don't throw the exception and just output fatal error message when users forget to specify javaagent VJM argument.
- Mave HTML reoprt color milder.
- Introduce PageDoc and PageDocs annotation and mark Page and Pages annotation as deprecated.
- Introduce sahagin.configPath system property to specify the configuration file path explicitly. Specifying the configuration file path in -javaagent option argument is now deprecated.
- Support WebDriver Select class.
- Support assert, ==, !=.
- Support field TestDoc annotation. (This annotation works only for field reference, and field assignment is not supported yet. Also, only field reference without instance or class prefix is supported now.)
- Change dependent selenium-java library version to 2.47.1.
Bug fix
- Exception was thrown if no manifest jar is found in class path.
- Page name of the nested steps were not displayed on HTML report.
Improvement (which may break backward compatibility)
- Change wrong method name "captueScreen" to "captureScreen" defined on ScreenCaptureAdapter interface.
- Support local variable assignment and local variable reference.
Bug fix
- [Jenkins plugin] Failed to generate report on Jenkins slave (#6)
- Add "show code" and "hide code" button on HTML report and hide code by default.
- Lengthen the default hight of the screen capture area on HTML report. This improvement is mainly for vertically long screen captures taken on mobile devices.
- Add text "hidden" for no TestDoc lines on HTML report.
- Support JUnit3 and add new configuration entry "jUnit3".
- Search TestDoc on super methods or implemented interfaces of the no TestDoc method and show it on HTML report if found.
- Improve testDocs for WebDriver.
- Support Appium test (TestDoc and AppiumAdapter).
- Support Selendroid test (SelendroidAdapter).
- Support ios-driver test (IOSDriverAdapter). But this feature is not tested.
- Support CaptureStyle "none" and "stepInOnly".
Bug fix
- Could not handle file path without parent directory for some file path setting such as "reportOutputDir".