GDAX Client for connecting and develop ultra fast trading strategy, using FIX protocol
Digit in terminal:
npm install gdax-fix-client
git clone
for entire git repo copy
Declare client with:
var exampleClient = require(./index)
Init client with:
example Method: client.initClient(symbol)
here you initialize all client, websocket, rest, and fix with your symbol
Now your client is connecting and ready for send and get info, you can update market and your account data with:
Method: updateData()
your account data is ontained via rest so call this function with a minimum interval of 200 ms
Now, you can get data object with:
Method: getData()
this is an Javascript Object with all info about market and account conditions for symbol specificated, for retrive your open orders:
Method: getOrders()
Send and cancel order method are:
sendOrder(Type, side, price, amount)
Type in format 1 = Market, 2 = Limit Order Side in format 1 = Buy, 2 = Sell, price and size in double value cancelOrder(ClOrdID,OrderID)
ClOrdID = your original order id OrderID = your order id obtained via FIX
for contribuitions and donations:
BTC ADDRESS: 14QJZTGp6bh2SUXZNuWmZuX87DUdKYNjSt ETH ADDRESS: 0x2eab6da667abe5f935e755bcdf8381be17d13f50 DASH ADDRESS: Xb7VHvjWPsif1dXPYfgZ9NFpZL5fBFhbGP
Thanks you!