Format raw data into ease to handle table data.
⚠️ It's core version of tabless, ready to use implementations of tabless in e.g. React, Vue will be avaiable soon.
$ npm install @savuelo/tabless-core
import Tabless from '@savuelo/tabless-core';
<script src="/bundle/tabless.js"></script>
1: Install dependecies
$ npm install
2: Start server
$ npm run dev
3: Navigate to /example/index.html in your browser
At first You should create object with configuration of columns in table.
const columns = [
columnName: 'Name:', // Display name of column
columnIndex: 'name', // index/property of object with data
columnName: 'Lastname:',
columnIndex: 'lastname',
Format function what will be used to format data in column
In this case all of the data in this column will be uppercased
columnFormat: (value) => {
return value.toUpperCase();
string columnIndex
: Index or property of data object.
string columnName
: Name of the column (header name).
function columnFormat
: Function used to format data in the column.
string columnClassName
: Class name of the column.
string | number columnId
: User defined id of column, should be unique.
Note that empty objects will be skipped during generation of output Table.
const data = [
name: 'Hubert',
lastname: 'Dziuda',
name: 'John',
lastname: 'snow',
name: 'John',
lastname: 'Smith',
name: 'Mark',
lastname: 'Steward',
Providing config object is optional.
const config = {
addOrdinalNumber: true, //Creates column with ordinal number
bolean addOrdinalNumber
: default false, add optional column with ordinary numbery.
string ordinalHeader
: default 'No.', header of ordinary number column.
string ordinalColumnClassName
: default 'ordinal', class name of ordinal number column.
string orderBy
: default 'undefined', index/property of data object used in sorting. If not defined or property is not valid table won't be sorted.*
boolean descending
: default false, set to true if you want to sort your table descending. Works only when orderBy
config is set.
boolean headerless
: default false, set to true if you want to generate table array without header row (you still have to pass columnConfig!) Make sure you adjust implementation of the renderWay
⚠️ * when sorting make sure that all of the data in column in table represents the same type.
const tabless = new Tabless(columns, data, config);
To change configuration of existing Tabless instance call setConfig
method and pass config object. It will overwrite config options and effect every of future renders.
orderBy: 'age',
descending: true,
To add a new column to the existing table use addColumn
columnName: 'Age:',
columnIndex: 'age',
columnId: 'ageColumn',
columnName: 'Lastname:',
columnIndex: 'lastname',
columnId: 'lastenameColumn',
columnName: 'Age:',
columnIndex: 'age',
columnId: 'ageColumn',
You can remove columny by its columnId
or by number in array (counting from 0, from left to right excluding ordinary column, in output table).
tabless.removeColumnsById(['ageColumn', 'nameColumn']);
To create new rows in existing Tabless instance use addRows
method. It accepts 2 params: Object or array of objects with data of the new rows, and boolean what decides about putting new rows to the start or end of the table. Note that if you are using sorting data in Tabless new row will be sorted as normal row, even if you pass param that puts it on the start of the table.
After adding new row you should re-render the table. It may affect absolute id of other rows.
// row to the table
name: 'Ron',
lastname: 'Jenkins',
age: 22,
}, true); //second parameter is true, so the new row will be added at the beginning of the table.
name: 'Ron',
lastname: 'Jenkins',
age: 22,
name: 'Lucas',
lastname: 'Murphy',
age: 33,
To remove row from array pass row's absolute id into removeRows
Be careful! This action may afftect absolute ids of other rows. You should re-render table to obtain actual absolute ids.
To remove multiple rows at once just pass an array as param.
tabless.removeRows([0, 1, 2, 3]);
//Replace all the existing data with new.
⚠️ It's core version of tabless, ready to use implementations of tabless in e.g. React, Vue will be avaiable soon.
Override renderWay
function in your Tabless instance with your implementation.
renderWay recives as param array with of TableRow objects (which store row id and array of cells in this row). Cells are object that store formated data ready to be displayed in table and their className (column dependent).
First element of that array is headers row.
number absoluteId
: stores absoluteId of row (absolute id is index of that row in source data Array, for headers row it have value of '-1').
array cells
: array of Cells object.
string value
: value of cell.
string className
: cell class name.
renderWay should return ready to display table of any desired type.
Code below is meant to work in browser environment.
⚠️ Code below is just simplified example! It's not optimised and do not follow rules of good coding.
tabless.renderWay = (data) => {
const tableElement = document.createElement('table');
const tableHead = document.createElement('thead');
const tableBody = document.createElement('tbody');
data.forEach(({cells}, i)=>{
let elementType = 'td';
if(i === 0){ // render first object as table header
elementType = 'th';
const rowElement = document.createElement('tr');
cells.forEach(({value, className})=>{
const cell = document.createElement(elementType); //th or td
cell.innerHTML = value;
if(i === 0){ //put header into thead element
return tableElement;
To execute code, call render
method of your Tabless instance
//Replace all columns with new ones.
//Return unformated data and columns list with config.