PinEarth Project developed for our 3rd semester at the Technical High School of Campinas, 2020.
It's goal was to create a tourist atractions map utilizing both, C# and Vue.js, for it's development.
This project's front-end was developed with the Vue.js framework and, of course, Node.js. Besides that, we also utilized an external API called MapBox for our personalized map, and an open-source library called Leaflet.js for map handling.
In this project, we developed an C# API as our backend. It's function was to access ou database and return it's data about our pins, so that we could place it in our map.
You can find all of our project's test and protypes at this repository.
- Vue.js - Web framework used
- Webpack.js - Dependecies management
- Babel.js - JavaScript ES6+ compiler
- C# - used for API creating
Developed by:
- Matheus Seiji Luna Noda - front-end - SeijiNoda
- Antônio Hideto Borges Kotsubo - front-end & back-end - antoniokot
- Nícolas Maisonnette Duarte - back-end - NicolasMDuarte
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details