This package is a Symfony Bundle allowing you to use particular FormTypes in order to build complete frontend pages with categories, articles and navigation, including EDM library, in the context of a CMS.
A public web or shop site to mount in your Symfony/PHP stack? A need to quickly increase skills on a flexible and powerful tool that meets the needs of the state of the art of website design? Then you will surely need the XenoEngineBundle. You will have at your disposal an efficient page builder that can work with the most well-known CSS libraries, a connection to Stimulus, a range of modules and the ability to customize them or create new ones. The ability to manage a blog, as well as the integration of an EDM (local or remote like Amazon S3).
With Symfony Flex (recommended):
composer require xenolab/xeno-engine-bundle
You're ready to use XenoEngineBundle, and can jump to the next section!
Without Flex, you will have to register the bundle accordingly in config/bundles.php
return [
Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle::class => ['all' => true],
// ...
NeoPageBuilder\XenoEngineBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Configure the bundle to your needs, for example: