script on powershell for xoring any data with set password:
PS > .\XorFile.ps1 "Source_File_Name" "Destination_File_Name" "Your_Secret_Password"
script on powershell for dividing the file into parts
PS > .\SplitFile.ps1 "Source_File_Name" "Chunc_Size"
where Chunc_Size consist of number and postfix [B | K | M | G | T]
example: "1440K" or "1.44M"
script on powershell for combining parts of the file into a single file
PS > .\MergeFile.ps1 "Source_First_File_Name"
where Source_First_File_Name is name of first part with ".p001" extension
script on powershell for pack directory into one file
PS > .\PackDir.ps1 "Source_Directory" ["Destination_File_Name"] [Is_Compress_Data] [Is_Compress_Names]
where parameters in [] is optional
Is_Compress_Data and Is_Compress_Names is $true or $false (default $true)
script on powershell for unpack data from archive file to directory
PS > .\UnpackDir.ps1 "Source_File_Name" ["Destination_Directory"]
where parameters in [] is optional