# help to generate wordlist based on patterns to fuzz backup files (backup killer)
# read from:
* Url
* File
*** julia ***
# install julia: https://julialang.org/downloads/ or snap install julia --classic
# then run this commands in terminal:
* 1. julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("JSON"); Pkg.add("ArgParse"); Pkg.add("OrderedCollections")'
* 2. git clone https://github.com/mrmeeseeks01/BackupX.git
* 3. cd BackupX/
* 4. julia BackupX.jl -h
# or you can use docker:
* 1. git clone https://github.com/mrmeeseeks01/BackupX.git
* 2. cd BackupX/
* 3. docker build -t backupx .
* 4. docker run backupx
# optional arguments:
* -h, --help show this help message and exit
* --version show version information and exit
* -u single url
* -U multiple urls in file
* -s read url(s) from stdin
* -p pattern file
* -w wordlist file
* -e extensions file
* -n number range (i.e. 1-100)
* -y, --year year range (i.e. 2022-2023)
* -m, --month month range (i.e. 1-12)
* -d, --day day range (i.e. 1-30)
* --silent do not print additional information (default: false)
* -o, --output save output in file (default: "")
- for custom threads, should pass -t [int] to julia
> julia -t 2 BackupX.jl [switches]
- generate wordlist by your custom input
> julia BackupX.jl -U [file] -p [file] -w [file] -e [file] -n [min-max] -y [min-max] -m [min-max] -d [min-max]
- for example generate wordlist by single url with this pattern: $subdomain.$domain.$ext$num.$y-$m-$d
> julia BackupX.jl -u https://sub1-sub2.sub3.domain.tld -p pattern.json -w wordlist.txt -e extensions.txt -n 1-100 -y 2021-2023 -m 1-12 -d 1-30
# for example consider this url: https://root:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/myfile.php?id=5678&user=nobody#nothing
# you can use below variables in your custom patterns:
* scheme: https
* username: root
* password: 1234
* host: api-v1.admin.mysite.co.uk
* subdomain: api-v1.admin -> "ap1-v1.admin", "ap1", "v1", "admin", "ap1-v1"
* domain: mysite
* tld: co.uk
* port: 443
* path: /dir1/dir2/myfile.php
* directory: /dir1/dir2
* file: myfile.php
* fileN: myfile
* fileE: php
* query: id=5678&user=nobody
* fragment: nothing
* word: your custom words
* ext: your custom extensions
* num: numbers (i.e. 1-100)
* y: years (i.e. 2022-2023)
* m: months (i.e. 1-12)
* d: days (i.e. 1-30)
# you can use $ or % to define your variables in pattern: $num or %num $ext or %ext