# extract url objects - URLX
*** julia ***
# install julia: https://julialang.org/downloads/ or snap install julia --classic
# then run this commands in terminal:
* 1. julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("ArgParse"); Pkg.add("JSON"); Pkg.add("OrderedCollections")'
* 2. git clone https://github.com/mrmeeseeks01/urlx.git
* 3. cd urlx/
* 4. julia urlx.jl -h
# or you can use docker:
* 1. git clone https://github.com/mrmeeseeks01/urlx.git
* 2. cd urlx/
* 3. docker build -t urlx .
* 4. docker run urlx
_ _ ____ _ __ __
| | | | _ \\| | \\ \\/ /
| | | | |_) | | \\ /
| |_| | _ <| |___ / \\
\\___/|_| \\_\\_____/_/\\_\\
#optional arguments:
-u single url
-ul multiple urls in file
-stdin read url(s) from stdin
-scheme print url scheme
-username print url username
-password print url password
-auth print url auth
-host print url host
-domain print url domain
-subdomain print url subdomain
-tld print url tld
-port print url port
-path print url path
-directory print url directory
-file print url file
-file_name print url file name
-file_ext print url ext
-query print url query
-keys print all keys in query in unique
-values print all values in query in unique
-keypairs key=value pairs from the query string (one per line)
-fragment print url fragment
-format FORMAT Specify a custom format (default: "")
-json JSON encoded url/format objects
-decode simple url & html decode
-c count and sort descending
-cn count and sort descending with numbers
-o save output in file
-h show this help message and exit
%sc => url scheme
%SC => from the beginning of url to the scheme
%un => url username
%pw => url password
%au => from the beginning of url to the authenticate
%ho => url host
%HO => from the beginning of url to the host
%sd => url subdomain
%do => url domain
%tl => url tld
%po => url port
%PO => from the beginning of url to the port
%pa => url path
%PA => from the beginning of url to the path
%di => url directory
%fi => url file
%fn => url file_name
%fe => url file_extension
%qu => url query
%QU => from the beginning of url to the query
%fr => url fragment
%FR => from the beginning of url to the fragment
%pr => url parameters in space separated
%PR => url parameters in new line
%va => url values of parameters in space separated
%VA => url values of parameters in new line
url = "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11"
- for custom threads, should pass -t [int] to julia
> julia -t [int] urlx.jl [switches]
- give single url to urlx
> julia urlx.jl -u [url] [switches]
- give url(s) in file to urlx
> julia urlx.jl -ul [file] [switches]
- give url(s) from stdin to urlx
> cat [file] | julia urlx.jl -stdin [switches]
> echo "url" | julia urlx.jl -stdin [switches]
- using -json option
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -json
"raw_url": "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11",
"decoded_url": "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11",
"scheme": "https",
"username": "admin",
"password": "1234",
"auth": "admin:1234",
"host": "auth.admin-user.company.co.com",
"subdomain": "auth.admin-user",
"subdomain_combination": [
"domain": "company",
"tld": "co.com",
"port": "443",
"path": "/dir1/dir2/file.js",
"directory": "/dir1/dir2",
"file": "file.js",
"file_name": "file",
"file_ext": "js",
"query": "id=44&status=null&log",
"query_params": [
"query_values": [
"query_paires": {
"id": "44",
"status": null,
"log": ""
"query_params_count": 3,
"query_values_count": 2,
"fragment": "page~11"
- using -keys
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -keys
- using -keys -c
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -keys -c
- using -keys -cn
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -keys -cn
id: 1
status: 1
log: 1
- using -values
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -values
- using -values -c
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -values -c
- using -values -cn
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -values -cn
44: 1
null: 1
- using -keypairs
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -keypairs
- using -keypairs -c
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -keypairs -c
- using -keypairs -cn
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -keypairs -cn
id=44: 1
status=null: 1
log=: 1
- using -format option
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -format "%sc"
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -format "%sc %do %po"
https company 443
- using -format [string] -c
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -format "%sc" -c
- using -format [string] -cn
> julia urlx.jl -u "https://admin:[email protected]:443/dir1/dir2/file.js?id=44&status=null&log#page~11" -format "%sc %do %po" -cn
https company 443: 1