This python package is based on KerbMinder (
- Peter Bukowinski, author of KerbMinder
- Francois 'ftiff' Levaux-Tiffreau, who extracted this package
- Ben Toms, who gave ftiff the idea
- Allister Banks for pointing out an effective dig command to test for domain reachability.
- Kyle Crawshaw, who extended it significantly
I would suggest to use from pymacad import ad
-- then call using
### Example
>>> from pymacad import ad
>>> ad.bound()
>>> ad.accessible('TEST.COM')
>>> ad.accessible('FTI.IO')
checks if computer is bound to AD
- returns True or False
- raises subprocess.CalledProcessError
gets principal from AD. If no user is specified, uses the current user.
- Returns principal
- Raises NotBound, NotReachable or subprocess.CalledProcessError
checks if domain can be joined.
- Returns True or False
- raises subprocess.CalledProcessError
returns a list of available directories
returns the first Active Directory node or None
returns the DNS of domain, or raises NotBound
Returns a list of groups belonging to this user Raises NotBound
Returns a list of Kerberos realms, or NotBound
Returns the home URL of the user, or an empty string.
- subprocess.CalledProcessError