This project is created to manage a simplified version of an online book store
Program's possibilities:
- Create a database, reading information from the given files
- Set up connections between data alsa using files
- Find books, countries and languages by given retailer or book ID
- Find common books for two retailers
- Find all books from two retailers
Main class is named Administration. At the moment, when we initialize an instance of Administration, all of 7 structures are initialized and linked from the files.
class Program {
* All the structure are initialized and linked in constructor
Administration administration = new Administration();
- getBooksForPublishingRetailerID
class Program {
* Browsing the publishingArtifacts arrayList, looking for all the books, inclusive books from arrayLists inside
* editorialGroups and publishingBrands, if books is not in arrayList yet, adding it to the end of array
* @param publishingRetailerID - valid ID to find corresponding publishingRetailer in arrayList of publishingRetailers
* @return ArrayList of Books from publishingRetailer with ID == publishingRetailedID
Book[] books = getBooksForPublishingRetailerID(retailedID);
- getLanguageForPublishingRetailerID
class Program {
* Browsing the publishingArtifacts arrayList, looking for all the books, inclusive books from arrayLists inside
* editorialGroups and publishingBrands, looking for languageID of each Book in this.languages arrayList and adding
* to the end of the arrayList which will be returned
* @param publishingRetailerID - valid ID to find corresponding publishingRetailer in arrayList of publishingRetailers
* @return ArrayList of Languages from publishingRetailer with ID == publishingRetailedID
Language[] languages = getLanguageForPublishingRetailerID(retailerID);
- getCountriesForBookID
class Program {
* Browsing each publishingRetailer, if publishingArtifact arrayList contains Book with ID == bookID, method
* checkBook return true, in this case all the countries from publishingRetailer.countries will be added to countries
* arrayList, which will be returned
* @param bookID valid ID to find corresponding Book in publishingRetailers
* @return Arraylist of countries
Contry[] countries = getCountriesForBookID(bookID);
- getCommonBooksForRetailersIDs
class Program {
* Obtaining two arrayList, adding first to the HashSet
* Browsing the second arrayList, if HashSet contains books, adding to the arrayList which will be returned
* Complexity: O(n + m)
* @param retailerID1 Valid ID of the first retailer
* @param retailerID2 Valid ID of the second retailer
* @return ArrayList of common books between retailer with ID == retailerID1 and retailer with ID == retailerID2
Book[] books = getCommonBooksForRetailersIDs(retailerID1, retailerID2);
- getAllBooksForRetailersIDs
class Program {
* Obtaining two arrayList, adding both arrays to the HashSet
* Converting HashSet to the arrayList
* Complexity: O(n + m)
* @param retailerID1 Valid ID of the first retailer
* @param retailerID2 Valid ID of the second retailer
* @return ArrayList of common books between retailer with ID == retailerID1 and retailer with ID == retailerID2
Book[] books = getAllBooksForRetailersIDs(retailerID1, retailerID2);
- Book contains the array of authors. Implements IPublishingArtifact interface
- EditorialGroup contains the array of books. Implements IPublishingArtifact interface
- PublishingBrand contains the array of books. Implements IPublishingArtifact interface
- PublishingRetailer contains array of classes that implements IPublishingArtifact and array of countries
Book.authors <= author
EditorialGroup.books <= book
PublishingBrand.books <= book
PublishingRetailer.publishingArtifacts <= Book, EditorialGroup, PublishingBrand
PublishingRetailer.countries <= Country
- Administration
Implements 5 searching methods
- Author, Book, Country, Language, PublishingBrand, EditorialGroup
Classes that model their specific entity
- IPublishingArtifact
Implement the method Publish() that return information in XML format
- InitializeLibroData
Initialize all the 7 arrayLists from the input files
- LinkStructures
Link structures
- All tests are run from the main class main_TEST