This project is created to manage a simplified version of an google translate.
Project was created using maven and all tests are implemented using JUnit
The project was realised using 2 separated modules:
- SmartTranslator
- ClientWindow
SmartTranslator implements all backend work. ClientWindow implements simple user interface
ClientWindow module depends on SmartTranslator module
SmartTranslator have 2 folders with code. One for tests and one for project.
Instances of this class contains information about dictionary books with definitions or synonyms
Instance of Word class contains information about word, such as:
- Word in original language
- Word in english
- Type
- Singular forms
- Plural forms
- List of definitions
This abstract class implements two methods.
public abstract class Utils {
public static String verifyString(String value);
public static ArrayList<String> getListOfFiles();
Thirst method verify string value for punctuation marks. Second method return list of all files with JSON extension.
This class realize a simplifies database, which contains information about all words in hashmap.
When instance of this class is created, we get list of JSON files with words and information about them and parse them all.
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Word>:
=> (String)Word in english => HashMap<String, Word>: => (String)Language => (Word)Word => (String)Language => (Word)Word => (String)Word in english => HashMap<String, Word>: ...
All details are described in the code.
public class DataBase {
//Adding a word in dictionary
public boolean addWord(Word word, String language);
//Searching for passed word in dictionary and return it translated in english
public String findWord(String word, String language);
//Remove word from dictionary
public boolean removeWord(String word, String language);
//Adding definition to word in dictionary
public boolean addDefinition(String word, String language, Definition definition);
//Remove definition from word in dictionary
public boolean removeDefinition(String word, String language, String dictionary);
//Return all found definitions of passed word
public ArrayList<Definition> getDefinitionsForWord(String word, String language);
//Export in file all objects of class Word of specified language in JSON format.
public void exportDictionary(String language);
This class realize simple translator if passed word are in dictionary. Contains an instance of the DataBase class inside
All details are described in the code.
public class Translator {
//Translate word if find it in database's dictionary
public String translateWord(String word, String fromLanguage, String toLanguage);
//Translate passed sentence
public String translateSentence(String sentence, String fromLanguage, String toLanguage);
//Return ArrayList which contains 3 or fewer options for translating a sentence
public ArrayList<String> translateSentences(String sentence, String fromLanguage, String toLanguage);
Tests are realized using JUnit.
There are 8 classes to test each method. Every class contains 3-6 tests to check the robustness of the code for different inputs
There is a problem with running tests with maven, in this case 3 tests fail, but it's not happening if run tests manually. It might be because of romanian characters.
A simple graphic user interface, implemented with Swing.