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release: v1.4.0
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Siyu1017 committed Jul 8, 2024
1 parent d573805 commit 4355c84
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# Changelog

## v1.4.0 ( 2024-07-08 )

## Added
- `turtle.on(event, func)` - Add event listener
- `turtle.enable(pluginName)` - Enable plugin
- `turtle.disable(pluginName)` - Disable plugin
- `turtle.toggle(pluginName)` - Toggle plugin
- `turtle.register(plugin)` - Register a plugin
- `turtle.unregister(pluginName)` - Unregister a plugin
> Learn more on
## v1.3.1 ( 2024-07-07 )

### Fixed
Expand Down
308 changes: 3 additions & 305 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,306 +1,4 @@
# Docs of [turtle.js](
# Docs of turtle.js

## Table of contents

### Methods specific to Turtle.js
- [setlinecap()](#turtlesetlinecaptype)
- [setlinejoin()](#turtlesetlinejointype)
- [seteasing()](#turtleseteasingeasing)
- [setduration()](#turtlesetdurationduration)

### Turtle methods
- Turtle motion
- Move and draw
- [forward()](#turtleforwarddistance) \| [fd()](#turtleforwarddistance)
- [backward()](#turtlebackwarddistance) \| [bk()](#turtlebackwarddistance) \| [back()](#turtlebackwarddistance)
- [right()](#turtlerightangle) \| [rt()](#turtlerightangle)
- [left()](#turtleleftangle) \| [lt()](#turtleleftangle)
- [goto()](#turtlegotox-y) \| [setpos()](#turtlegotox-y) \| [setposition()](#turtlegotox-y)
- [teleport()](#turtleteleportx-y)
- [setx()](#turtlesetxx)
- [sety()](#turtlesetyy)
- [setheading()](#turtlesetheadingangle) \| [seth()](#turtlesetheadingangle)
- [home()](#turtlehome)
- [circle()](#turtlecircleradius-startangle0-endangle360)
- [dot()](#turtledotsize-color)
- stamp()
- clearstamp()
- clearstamps()
- undo()
- speed()
- Tell Turtle’s state
- [position()](#turtleposition) \| [pos()](#turtleposition)
- towards()
- [xcor()](#turtlexcor)
- [ycor()](#turtleycor)
- [heading()](#turtleheading)
- distance()
- Setting and measurement
- degrees()
- radians()
- Pen control
- Drawing state
- [pendown()](#turtlependown) \| [pd()](#turtlependown) \| [down()](#turtlependown)
- [penup()](#turtlepenup) \| [pu()](#turtlepenup) \| [up()](#turtlepenup)
- [pensize()](#turtlepensizewidthnone) \| [width()](#turtlepensizewidthnone)
- pen()
- [isdown()](#turtleisdown)
- Color control
- [pencolor()](#turtlepencolorcolor)
- [fillcolor()](#turtlefillcolorcolor)
- [color()](#turtlecolorcolor)
- Filling
- [filling()](#turtlefilling)
- [begin_fill()](#turtlebegin_fill)
- [end_fill()](#turtleend_fill)
- More drawing control
- [reset()](#turtlereset)
- clear()
- [write()](#turtlewritearg-movefalse-alignleft-font)
- Turtle state
- Visibility
- [showturtle()](#turtleshowturtle) \| [st()](#turtleshowturtle)
- [hideturtle()](#turtlehideturtle) \| [ht()](#turtlehideturtle)
- [isvisible()](#turtleisvisible)
- Appearance
- [shape()](#turtleshapenamenone)
- resizemode()
- shapesize() \| turtlesize()
- shearfactor()
- settiltangle()
- tiltangle()
- tilt()
- shapetransform()
- get_shapepoly()
- Using events
- onclick()
- onrelease()
- ondrag()
- Special Turtle methods
- begin_poly()
- end_poly()
- get_poly()
- clone()
- getturtle() \| getpen()
- getscreen()
- setundobuffer()
- undobufferentries()
### Methods of TurtleScreen/Screen
- Window control
- bgcolor()
- bgpic()
- clearscreen()
- resetscreen()
- screensize()
- setworldcoordinates()
- Animation control
- delay()
- tracer()
- update()
- Using screen events
- listen()
- onkey() \| onkeyrelease()
- onkeypress()
- onclick() \| onscreenclick()
- ontimer()
- mainloop() \| done()
- Settings and special methods
- mode()
- colormode()
- getcanvas()
- getshapes()
- register_shape() \| addshape()
- turtles()
- window_height()
- window_width()
- Input methods
- textinput()
- numinput()

## Methods of RawTurtle/Turtle and corresponding functions

Most of the examples in this section refer to a Turtle instance called `turtle`.

> Functions with ~~Strikethrough~~ indicate that the function exists in [Python Turtle](, but is not supported by the current version of [turtle.js](
### Methods specific to Turtle.js

#### turtle.setlinecap(_type_)
- `Parameters:` **type** - `round` ( Default ), `butt` or `square`
- Sets how line segment ends are drawn

#### turtle.setlinejoin(_type_)
- `Parameters:` **type** - `round` ( Default ), `bevel` or `miter`
- Set how connected parts of line segments are connected together

#### turtle.seteasing(_easing_)
- `Parameters:` **easing** - `ease`, `ease-in`, `ease-out`, `ease-in-out`, `tep-start`, `tep-end`, `linear`, `easeInQuad`, `easeOutQuad`, `easeInOutQuad`, `easeInCubic`, `easeOutCubic`, `easeInOutCubic`, `easeInQuart`, `easeOutQuart`, `easeInOutQuart`, `easeInQuint`, `easeOutQuint`, `easeInOutQuint`, `easeInSine`, `easeOutSine`, `easeInOutSine`, `easeInExpo`, `easeOutExpo`, `easeInOutExpo`, `easeInCirc`, `easeOutCirc`, `easeInOutCirc` ( Default ), `easeInBack`, `easeOutBack`, `easeInOutBack`, `easeInElastic`, `easeOutElastic`, `easeInOutElastic`, `easeInBounce`, `easeOutBounce`, `easeInOutBounce`
- Set the easing function of turtle motion transition

#### turtle.setduration(_duration_)
- `Parameters:` **duration** - a positive number
- Set the duration of turtle motion transition

### Turtle motion

#### turtle.forward(_distance_)
- `Parameters:` **distance** – a number (integer or float)
- Short functions : **turtle.fd(_distance_)**
- Move the turtle forward by the specified `distance`, in the direction the turtle is headed.

#### turtle.backward(_distance_)
- `Parameters:` **distance** – a number
- Short functions : **turtle.bk(_distance_)**, **turtle.back(_distance_)**
- Move the turtle backward by `distance`, opposite to the direction the turtle is headed. Do not change the turtle’s heading.

#### turtle.right(_angle_)
- `Parameters:` **angle** – a number (integer or float)
- Short functions : **turtle.rt(_angle_)**
- Turn turtle right by `angle` units. (Units are by default degrees, but can be set via the ~~degrees()~~ and ~~radians()~~ functions.) Angle orientation depends on the turtle mode, see ~~mode()~~.

#### turtle.left(_angle_)
- `Parameters:` **angle** – a number (integer or float)
- Short functions : ****
- Turn turtle left by `angle` units. (Units are by default degrees, but can be set via the ~~degrees()~~ and ~~radians()~~ functions.) Angle orientation depends on the turtle mode, see ~~mode()~~.

#### turtle.goto(_x_, _y_)
- `Parameters:`
- **x** – a number
- **y** – a number
- Short functions : **turtle.setpos(_x_, _y_)**, **turtle.setposition(_x_, _y_)**
- Move turtle to an absolute position. If the pen is down, draw line. Do not change the turtle’s orientation.

#### turtle.teleport(_x_, _y_)
- `Parameters:`
- **x** – a number
- **y** – a number
- Move turtle to an absolute position. Unlike [goto(x, y)](#turtlegotox-y), a line will not be drawn. The turtle’s orientation does not change.

#### turtle.setx(_x_)
- `Parameters:` **x** – a number (integer or float)
- Set the turtle’s first coordinate to `x`, leave second coordinate unchanged.

#### turtle.sety(_y_)
- `Parameters:` **y** – a number (integer or float)
- Set the turtle’s second coordinate to `y`, leave first coordinate unchanged.

#### turtle.setheading(_angle_)
- `Parameters:` **angle** – a number (integer or float)
- Short functions : **turtle.seth(_angle_)**
- Set the orientation of the turtle to `angle`. Here are some common directions in degrees:
| Directions | East | South | West | North |
| :--------: | :--: | :---: | :--: | :---: |
| Degrees | 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 |

#### turtle.home()
- Move turtle to the origin – coordinates (0,0) – and set its heading to its start-orientation (which depends on the mode, see ~~mode()~~).

####, _startAngle=0_, _endAngle=360_)
- `Parameters:`
- **radius** – a number
- **startAngle** – a number
- **endAngle** – a number
- Draws a circle with `radius` specified. The center of the circle is at the position of the turtle; the difference between `startAngle` and `endAngle` is an angle, which is used to determine the part of the circle to be drawn. If `startAngle` and `endAngle` are not specified, the entire circle is drawn.

####, _color_)
- `Parameters:`
- **size** – a positive number
- **color** – a colorstring or a color code
- Draw a circular dot with diameter `size`, using `color`. If `size` is not given, the maximum of penSize+4 and penSize*2 is used.

### Tell Turtle’s state

#### turtle.position()
- Short functions : **pos()**
- Return the turtle’s current location (x,y) (as an object).

#### turtle.xcor()
- Return the turtle’s x coordinate.

#### turtle.ycor()
- Return the turtle’s y coordinate.

#### turtle.heading()
- Return the turtle’s current heading (value depends on the turtle mode, see ~~mode()~~).

### Pen control
Drawing state

#### turtle.pendown()
- Short functions : **pd()**, **down()**
- Pull the pen down – drawing when moving.

#### turtle.penup()
- Short functions : **pu()**, **up()**
- Pull the pen up – no drawing when moving.

#### turtle.pensize(_width=None_)
- `Parameters:` **width** – a positive number
- Short functions : **width()**
- Set the line thickness to `width` or return it. If no argument is given, the current penSize is returned.

#### turtle.isdown()
- Return True if pen is down, False if it’s up.

Color control

#### turtle.pencolor(_color_)
- `Parameters:` **color** – a colorstring or a numeric color code
- Return or set the pencolor.

#### turtle.fillcolor(_color_)
- `Parameters:` **color** – a colorstring or a numeric color code
- Return or set the fillcolor.

#### turtle.color(_color_)
- `Parameters:`
- **color** – a colorstring or a numeric color code
- Set pencolor and fillcolor to `color` or return them. If no argument is given, the current pencolor and fillcolor are returned.


> [!NOTE]
> The fill methods ( [turtle.filling()](#turtlefilling)[turtle.begin_fill()](#turtlebegin_fill)[turtle.end_fill()](#turtleend_fill) ) are not yet unavailable
#### turtle.filling()
- Return fillstate (True if filling, False else).

#### turtle.begin_fill()
- To be called just before drawing a shape to be filled.

#### turtle.end_fill()
- Fill the shape drawn after the last call to [begin_fill()](#turtlebegin_fill).

More drawing control

#### turtle.reset()
- Delete the turtle’s drawings from the screen, re-center the turtle and set variables to the default values.

#### turtle.write(arg, move=false, align='left', font)
- `Parameters:`
- arg – object to be written to the TurtleScreen
- ~~move~~ – True/False ( unavailable )
- align – one of the strings `left`, `center` or `right`
- font – a string using the same syntax as the CSS font property

### Turtle state


#### turtle.showturtle()
- Short functions : **st()**
- Make the turtle visible.

#### turtle.hideturtle()
- Short functions : **ht()**
- Make the turtle invisible. It’s a good idea to do this while you’re in the middle of doing some complex drawing, because hiding the turtle speeds up the drawing observably.

#### turtle.isvisible()
- Return `True` if the Turtle is shown, `False` if it’s hidden.


#### turtle.shape(_name=None_)
- `Parameters:` **name** – a string which is a valid shapename
- Set turtle shape to shape with given `name` or, if name is not given, return name of current shape. Shape with `name` must exist in the TurtleScreen’s shape dictionary. Initially there are the following polygon shapes: `arrow`, `turtle`, `circle`, `square`, `triangle`, `classic`.
> Documentation has been moved to

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