Owners (- Daddy.exe#2001 / - Night.exe#0001)
- Translate By Emoji Flags (New)
- Reaction Roles
- Music
- Logging
- Mod Log
- Moderation
- Games
- config: Show/edit guild settings.
- flag: Play country-flags game
- twenty48: Plays Twenty48 Game!
- xo: Play Tic Tac Toe game
- avatar: No description available.
- help: Show help menu!
- invite: Get invite link to add the bot.
- ping: Pong?
- vote: Get a link to vote on Top.gg.
- botinfo: Displays information about the bot.
- serverinfo: Displays information about the server that said message was run in.
- userinfo: Displays information about a provided user or the message author.
- ban: Ban a user from the server
- kick: Kick a user from the server
- mute: Mutes a member.
- purge: Clear messages
- reason: Updates a modlog reason
- unban: Unban a user from the server
- unmute: Unmute a member.
- nowplaying: Shows information about current playing track
- pause: Pauses/resumes the player
- play: Plays a song
- queue: Shows all the enqueued tracks
- remove: Removes a song from the queue
- repeat: Toggles the repeat mode.
- replay: Starts the song from the beginning.
- seek: Seeks to a specified time in the song
- shuffle: Shuffles the queue
- skip: Skips current song.
- skipto: Skips to a certain song in the queue
- stop: Stops current playing track
- volume: Sets the player's volume
- 18+: No description available.
- cat: Quickly sends a meme from r/cats
- dank: Quickly sends a meme from r/dankmemes
- dog: Quickly sends a meme from r/dog
- meme: Quickly sends a meme from r/meme
- reddit: Send random images from the subreddit you choose
- color: Get color info
- short: Shortens a URL
- youtube: Search on youtube.
- leave: No description available.
- reactrole: Reaction based roles is an intuitive way to offer your members the ability to add and remove roles to themselves.