Instruction for macros and parameter files to analyze BigRIPS detectors of the S22 Experiment with ANAROOT.
db/ : Parameter files for calibration and correction,
class/ : Class files to read TTree branches in generated ROOT files easier.
macros_1/ : Macros to analyze Multi-hit TDC for PPACs and Plastics.
macros_2/ : Macros to generate ROOT files of TTree with ANAROOT raw data container classes, and to calibrate or correct raw data using generated ROOT file.
macros_3/ : Macros to reconstruct beta and A/Q using ANAROOT beam information classes, and to calibrate ion chamber energy deposit.
macros_basic/ : Macros to check raw data from ridf data file.
runinfo/ : List of run mainly on useless data
src_modified/ : Source codes which are modified from the default ones. (These are merged into the SpiRIT ANAROOT.)
matrix/ : Matrices for each beam line magnet.
- Decode the ridf-format files into TTree with raw data containers of TClonesArray.
- Get the calibration or correction parameters by analyzing raw data.
- Reconstruction Z, A/Q, beta ... etc.
So, you can follow the analysis by looking through each directory like, macros_1/ -> macros_2/ -> macros_3/.
Please setup the ANAROOT environment in your analysis server.