IMPORTANT: For a .NET Framework version of this repo, please see joelbyford/CSVtoJSON instead (which was forked from jeffhollan/CSVtoJSON).
Simple REST API which converts a delimited payload (via HTTP POST) to a JSON object.
Optional querystring parameter to allow consumers to specify the delimiter being used in the text file and allows for other delimiters (such as | or ;). Usage is:|
If no delimiter parameter is provided, comma is assumed.
Example test through Postman or REST plugin in VSCode:
POST https://SOME-WEBSITE-URL/csvtojson
Content-Type: text/csv
Results should appear similar to the following:
"rows": [
"this": "1",
"is": "2",
"a": "3",
"test": "4"
"this": "a",
"is": "b",
"a": "c",
"test": "d"
Additional examples can be found in the test
Added the ability to use Basic Authentication with the API. In order to leverage this functionality, please use the appsettings.json
file to enable basic authentication, provide your "realm" (typically your API's url), and point to the json file where your users are listed (defaults to the provided authorizedUsers.json
"AppSettings" : {
"BasicAuth" : {
"Enabled" : false, # change this to true
"Realm" : "", # change this to your API's Domain
"UsersJson" : "authorizedUsers.json" # change this (if necessary) to the json file with authorized users
The Authorized Users are simply stored in a json file in the following format:
"testUser" : "testPassword",
"devUser" : "devPassword"
This is a psudo-fork dotnet core implementation of the previous .NET Framework CSVtoJSON repo provided by Jeff Hollan.
Additionally, many thanks go to Josh Close for his CsvHelper package used in this project.