1.* To create a room url as - http://localhost:8000/create-room,
- In post man - POST - body - raw - json then a desired data for example the data given below,
{ "name": "New Room", "seats": 50, "amenities": "Air Conditioning, AV Equipments, Free Wi-Fi", "price": 3000, "room_id": "20030001" }
- send - Then new room will be created ,The id should be differnt if we create multipe rooms,
- if the creation is sucessful we can see data newly added in the endpoint.
- To book a room url as - http://localhost:8000/book-room,
- POST- body - raw - json then a required data for example the data given below
{ "customer_name": "Srikanth", "date": "09/09/2023", "start": "11:00", "end": "12:00", "room_id": "20030001" }
- note- room_id should exist for booking as we have created rooms, anyother ids will throw error because the data will not be present ,
- Send- This will success message if the data is added .
3.* To List customers url as - http://localhost:8000/list-customer,
- GET- send,
- This will show the customers who has booked the rooms
4.*To see booked rooms url as - http://localhost:8000/booked-rooms, GET - send,
The bookingDetails required will be displayed here [ { "name": "Super-Deluxe", "seats": 100, "amenities": "Air Conditioning, AV Equipments, Free Wi-Fi, Large Podium", "price": 5000, "room_id": "10050001", "bookingDetails": [ { "customer_name": "Srikanth", "date": "03/06/2023", "start": "10:00", "end": "14:00", "status": "Confirmed" }, { "customer_name": "John Doe", "date": "08/20/2023", "start": "16:00", "end": "19:00", "status": "Confirmed" }, { "customer_name": "10head", "date": "08/20/2023", "start": "16:00", "end": "19:00", "status": "Confirmed" } ] }, { "name": "Premium", "seats": 150, "amenities": "Air Conditioning, AV Equipments, Free Wi-Fi, Large Podium", "price": 7500, "room_id": "15075002", "bookingDetails": [ { "customer_name": "Ajith S", "date": "10/08/2023", "start": "11:00", "end": "15:00", "status": "Payment Pending" } ] }, { "name": "New Room", "seats": 50, "amenities": "Air Conditioning, AV Equipments, Free Wi-Fi", "price": 3000, "room_id": "5030004", "bookingDetails": [ {}, { "customer_name": "mn", "date": "09/02/2023", "start": "11:00", "end": "12:00", "status": "Confirmed" }, { "customer_name": "srikanth", "date": "01/09/2023", "start": "09:00", "end": "06:00", "status": "Confirmed" } ] }, { "name": "Third eye", "seats": 90, "amenities": "Air Conditioning, AV Equipments, Free Wi-Fi, Top speed", "price": 9000, "room_id": "9090005", "bookingDetails": [ {} ] } ]
This is Json showing all the details.
In render Build command - npm i --force
For global host server url - https://express-hall-booking-crpc.onrender.com,
GET common - https://express-hall-booking-crpc.onrender.com
Create room post - https://express-hall-booking-crpc.onrender.com/create-room
book room post - https://express-hall-booking-crpc.onrender.com/book-room
getlist customers - https://express-hall-booking-crpc.onrender.com/list-customer
getbooked rooms - https://express-hall-booking-crpc.onrender.com/booked-rooms
we can do operations with endpoints provided above.