Git bash has a default $HOME variable to C:/Users/
You want to customize the $HOME variable to a different value. I my case X:
Go to this path
C:\Program Files\Git\etc\profile.d
and change the file
Add these two lines at the end
source /x/CLI/terminal-config/git-bash/.inputrc
source /x/CLI/terminal-config/git-bash/.bashrc
This will make .bashrc and .inputrc work again even if $HOME is changed.
Windows terminal gets it's settings by default here
To take the settings from the windows-terminal folder you have to
delete the LocalState folder and then make a link to the windows-terminal
with this command
mklink /d "%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState" "X:\CLI\terminal-config\windows-terminal"
Run env-variables.ps1 to add needed binaries to PATH and to set XDG_CONFIG_HOME for nvim configuration