These data models describe the main entities involved with smart applications that deal with environmental issues.
The main entities identified are:
- AeroAllergenObserved. It describes aero allergens observed at a given location and related overall allergen risk.
- AirQualityObserved. It represents an observation of air quality conditions at a certain place and time.
- WaterQualityObserved. Allows to capture all the parameters involved in Water Quality scenarios, allowing to deal with different scenarios: + Rivers and lakes. + Reservoirs like dams, cisterns, impoudments. + Sea locations. + Swimming pools or fountains.
- NoiseLevelObserved. It represents an observation of those parameters that estimate noise pressure levels at a certain place and time.
- WaterObseravation. is intended to represent the parameters of flow, level and volume of water observed, as well as the swell information, over a fixed or variable area.